What Canst Thou Say? (WCTS) is a worship-sharing group in print for Quakers with an interest in mystical experience and contemplative practice. WCTS is produced cooperatively by a group of Friends who, themselves, have felt the movement of the Spirit and who wish to deepen their understanding by interacting with others. Over the years of publication more than twenty Friends have been a part of the editorial and production team and hundreds of Friends in the U.S., Canada, and Great Britain have shared their stories.

Click here for WCTS? sample issue  If reading this sample issue feeds a hunger in you for sharing on matters of the Spirit, we invite you to become a subscriber, a writer, and even a member of our production team.

What Canst Thou Say? (WCTS) sometimes posts additional material to supplement that which appears in the printed journal. Click here for Extras.

Discovering God as Companion: Real Life Stories from What Canst Thou Say? edited by Mariellen Gilpin, published 23 February 2007 by AuthorHouse, Bloomington IN, 172 pages, paperback. Click here for information on this new book.



Subscriptions to What Canst Thou Say?

cost only $10 for a one-year subscription, $18 for two years,
and $5 for a one-year electronic subscription (or contribute what you can).
Email or Write Richard Himmer <info@whatcanstthousay.org>
WCTS, 1035 Hereford Drive, Blue Bell PA 19422-1925. 
click here for a subscription form

Please write for What Canst Thou Say?

Themes for Future Issues:

November 2009

Bread and Roses
Editors: Michael Resman with Judy Lumb
Deadline:  August 15, 2009

Man does not live by bread alone; he lives on every word that God utters. (Matthew 4:4) To those who came to help, it appeared the people in this very poor village needed bread to eat, but one villager planted roses. Soon everyone else planted flowers. They may have been poor, but what their souls craved was beauty. What do people really need? How have you been led to service, to meet needs? How have those experiences changed your life?

February 2010

Covenant with Creation
Editor: Patricia McBee
Deadline:  November 15, 2009

Everywhere we turn we are hearing about our planet in peril, global warming, degradation of air and water, extinction of species. How do these changes in the world affect your soul? Do you feel a special longing or drawing toward a new relationship with the natural world? What practices do you have to help you move toward right relationship with all of creation? How does the environmental crisis affect your relationship with the Divine and how does your relationship with the Divine guide your response to the environmental crisis?



Tell Us Your Stories!

What Canst Thou Say is a worship-sharing group in print. Its richness comes from the generous sharing of readers with one another. WCTS has a vision—we want to tell the world God is much more various and wonderful than our skeptical culture allows. We hope to help Friends be tender and open to the Spirit. We need your experience—it may be just what someone else needs to know!

Articles that best communicate to our readers generally focus on specific events and are written in the first person. There is a special richness when the writer goes beyond describing the experience and tells how it has changed her or his attitude or behavior.

We welcome submissions of articles of 350-1500 words and artwork—line drawings or artwork suitable for black and white reproduction—that illustrate the theme of an issue, or that we might retain for use in future issues. Please send your text submissions in Word or generic text format and artwork in high resolution jpeg files. Photocopied art and typed submissions are also accepted. Send via email to <m-gilpin@uiuc.edu> or diskette, or hard copy to WCTS, 818 W. Columbia, Champaign, IL 61820.

All authors and artists retain copyright to their articles and artwork published in WCTS. WCTS retains the right to publish initially and also to reprint in WCTS anthologies. If you want to reprint an article from WCTS, please contact us for permission.

We invite you to be part of our worship-sharing group in print.
—The Editorial Team of WCTS: Mariellen Gilpin, Judy Lumb, Pat McBee, Mike Resman, Eleanor Warnock



What Canst Thou Say? is an independent publication by and for Quakers with an interest in mystical experience and contemplative practice. It’s published in August, November, February, and May. The current editorial and production team is Lissa Field, Mariellen Gilpin, Lieselotte Heil, Richard Himmer, Chris Johns, Joan Johnston, Judy Lumb, Patricia McBee, Grayce Mesner, Eleanor Warnock and Wayne Yarnall. Click here to email WCTS