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Face to Fate

Show Name: Face to Fate
Chinese name: ²¼ÒÂÉñÏà
Cantonese name: Bo Yi Shan Sheung
Aired in: 2006
No. of Episodes: 30

Cast List: In the Wu Xia world, there is always a good side and a bad side, and in this show there is no exception. Every year, there is a Golden Seal Battle (Gam Yan Dai Jin) to decide who will rule the world for a certain amount of years. The good side has always won, but now the bad side is up to its tricks again, and the good side find their five representives who are supposed to join the battle are killed and they need replacements.

Enter Lei Bo Yee, a talented fortune teller well versed in martial arts. Although he has no wish of participating in the Wu Xia world activities, he agrees to help find replacements to stop evil from ruling (mo jiong dok xiu) and to stop his ex-Senior Brother and avenge his Master. He also enlists the help of Lai Yuek Yee, a intelligent but young doctor, and Yip Mung Sik, a young disciple of Shum Sing Nam, ruler of the good side. They also run into Yin Ye Loi, a beautiful but mysterious widow innkeeper.

As they set out to find the replacements, they find that not is all as it seems... They find out lots of things they never would have imagined.



Your average girl.
TNS: 6J'07
'08 school: ?


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TNS 1G - 4G | '02 - '05
TNS 5J - 6J | '06 - '07


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