Working Group on Museums and Sustainable Communities
What is the Working Group?

The Working Group on Museums and Sustainable Communities has been active since the fall of 2000. It was formed as a collaborative focusing its efforts on engaging the museum community in Canada in a process of awareness, reflection, learning, knowledge-sharing, capacity-building and action related to their role in creating a culture of sustainability.

There are eight members of the Working Group, employed within museums, universities, government and other museological  positions across Canada.

Over the past seven years, the Working Group has developed and led many workshops at museum conferences. Some of the members have published articles and book chapters on the topic of culture and sustainability, with a focus on the potential role of museums in the quest for a 'culture of sustainability'.
Available Resources:




WGMSC Resource Document
Douglas Worts article "Measuring Museum Meanings: A Critical Assessment Framework" (see updated CAF, below)
Updated Critical Assessment Framework '08
Facebook Discussion Group on 'Culture and Sustainability'
Members of the Working Group