Karen's Hero

Plot: Karen gets sick and Jack stays with her night and day until she gets well again. Until then he will not leave her side.
Disclaimer: I do not own Will, Grace, Jack or Karen, so please do not sue!

Part 1
by Karla

Karen woke up and felt like crap. She was having trouble getting out of bed.

She called for Jack and he came.

"Karen, you don't look so good," he said.

"What in the hell are you talking about, poodle?"

Just then, Karen felt a sick feeling coming over her. Then she lost all of her martinis and crab cakes.

"Karen you have the flu and, uh, I will take you temperature, okay?" Jack said.

After he did, he looked at it and it was 104.

"Karen, stay in bed and do not move, okay?" Jack said

"I'm fine. Okay, I guess I just got a little sick, but now I'm fine," but then Karen lost her food again.

"I will never go until you get well, my little girl," Jack said.

"Thanks, honey," said Karen.

Jack had to call Karen in sick and the help had to work even harder with Karen and all and Karen just got sicker and sicker. Soon she could not even talk well, only a little bit. Jack never left her side for anything. Jack was starting to wonder if Karen would ever get well. She would, he knew that.

"Jack you are my hero," Karen said. "You have not once have left my side and I love you for that."

"You know. Karen really, I love you too, and you are my best friend in the world and I will never go until you get well," Jack said.

Part 2 >>>

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