If you are looking for Miravlor, sorry- it's been off the Internet for a while now.

The indie RPG
Omnifray developed out of Miravlor and is available as two softback books via:-


There are contact details on that site (via a feedback form) and if you really, REALLY want to play Miravlor, I might be able to
help. But, honestly, Omnifray is much better!

The sci-fi RPG
Sundered Space, a cousin-game of Omnifray intended to be simpler to play, has a dedicated page on the Omnifray site. It is currently free to download in its alpha playtest edition (version 1.1) via this link. Whether it is actually simpler to play than Omnifray remains to be seen to some extent, as all the rules on high-tech stuff are entirely new and have had minimal if any playtesting.

