I miss you

chapter five

It's six months now after their first kiss and the lads all now know about Shane and Kate seeing each other.

Anyway, they're walking around Dublin with the rest of the lads and Shane says, " Kate," "Yes," Kate replied, "You know I love you, don't you?" "Yes of course I do. Excuse me, I need to go and get a newspaper, I'll meet you across the road and then we can see what happens from there. Ok?" " Yeah, fine, see ya in a minute." " See ya." Kate goes into the newsagent, buys the newspaper and leaves.

She begins to cross the road and suddenly a car comes out of nowhere and heads straight towards her. The car hits her, and as it hits her Shane sees what has happened and Shouts "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" The car comes to a halt and Kate falls to the ground. Shane rushes to her side and tells Kian to phone for an ambulance. The ambulance comes and takes Kate to the hospital with Shane holding her hand the entire way...

chapter six