live and kicking & Kian

chapter five

Leanne awoke the next morning in a panic... 'where's Kian's number' she sniffed, 'what have I done!' scattered across the floor was the remains of the letter ... she scrambled around pulling the pieces together. with a sigh of relief she noted the number down. 'I've been so stupid' she thought, 'I can call him, but will he remember me?, there's only one way to find out'.

She picked up her phone and began to dial the number, her fingers shaking soo much she could hardly reach the right keys. Leanne held the phone to her ear... "hello?", it was that sexy Irish accent... "Hello?" she tried to talk "hi, Kian... it's Leanne" "Hiya Leanne, how are yous?" Kian's voice still held concern. "I'm fine, thanks", she lied. an awkward silence. They chatted for a few minutes about what Westlife were up to... "sorry Leanne I have to go, we are due on stage" Leanne gave Kian her number and he promised he'd call.

Later Leanne sat nervously in the doctor's waiting room. "Why did you lie to me the other day?" Leanne's mum asked, "you know you can't go standing out in the cold for hours... not in your condition" Leanne had told her mum she was going to her friend, Jane's house, not to Live and Kicking.

"Sorry mam", Leanne began to cry... "I'm soo sorry" she began to sob, her mother took her hand..."I know how much you want to fit in, but don't become Jane's slave dear" A nurse in a long white coat emerged ... "Leanne Witters" "Mam ... I'm scared. What if the results..." tears stopped her sentence with a deep breath Leanne entered the doctor's office...

chapter six