So what is a Transgender?

Trans = across, crossing, beyond
Gender = Sex, female and male

Simply defined:
A transgender is a person who is somewhere between Male and Female or visa versa.

Less Simply defined:
In many cases it is to do with the Chromosomes, M/s X and Mr Y Chromosome.
We all have X (female) chromosomes, and start our lives as a female egg.  In order to form a male (XY) at conception, the Y (male) chromosome from the father must try to change the egg from female to male.  Some Y's do a better job than others, depending on the performance of critical genes such as TDF which form the male testes. If the Y has a deficiency in this gene, the testes may not form properly, or quickly enough, and vital androgenising hormones aren't sent to the brain at critical times during development. Other factors at birth, can lead to Gender Dysphoria such as non- descended testes (as in my case), or a disorder in the mother's endocrine system, (like a benign hormone secreting tumor), or even by excessive maternal stress!

As you can imagine the scope of transgenderism is as wide as the world is large, from the occasional crossdressers to true transexuals, with an overwhelming need to be female.

Personally I see myself as a guy with an added extra, feminine vanity.

Popular Myth-conceptions

  1. Sexual Orientation, (i.e. if you dress like a girl you must be gay!)
    Being transgendered has little or nothing to do with a persons' sexuality, in most cases it is a psychological or spiritual, and not a sexual need. In fact it is well documented that if you include all, CD/TV/TG/TS, around 95% are heterosexual.
  2. Trannys are all sick perverted deviants!
    Well what can I say, I have met many transgenders in my travels, and I can't think of a more generous, decent and loving group of people.
  3. Like, we have a choice?
    No way!! It is something you are born with, not a matter of choosing to be this way.
    I think this is the most mis-understood aspect of transgenderism.

Where do I personally fit in the scheme of things?
Hmmmm, I am in there somewhere, just don't know where exactly!
My personal need to identify as female is constantly changing, though it usually follows a cycle.
In the past I tried to deny myself, and it all came back, stronger than ever.

In the time since I found the net, I have learned a lot about myself, with the help and support of my wonderful friends I am developing my female self, and learning to get out and socialise without the usual fears.
I have also learned much about why I feel the way I do, and this understanding has lifted the shame that I once felt. For many years I avoided any literature on Transgenderism, I guess I was in denial. Now I have the knowledge, and found the strength to reach out and seek help, I have had counseling and have even gone as far as a 6 month course of hormones, however I realised it was not for me. I strongly advise anyone in the same situation to find a reputable TG counselor, recommended by a TS Support group.

My Rave!
I do get angry with the general medical community, psychologists with their terms such as "Gender Identity Disorder". What, in their humble opinion is "order"?

I prefer the term Gender Dysphoria, it tells me that I'm not quite in euphoria, or there is another favourite, G.E.M or "Gender Enhanced Male" *giggles*.

Here are some links to sites with information on crossdressing and transgenderism.

Coping With Crossdressing An article explaining the effects that Crossdressing and Transgenderism can have on family and personal lives.

Dr Anne Lawrence Dr Anne Lawrence is a transexual doctor with a wealth of information about her own transition and all transgender issues, such as counseling, and hormone replacement.

Gender Dysphoria Explained An interesting essay by Dr Anne Vitale PhD a transexual psychologist and counselor, explaining Gender Identity Disorder, and it's effects.

TG Gallery Chat Rooms. (formerly Debbies Den) A great place to find like-minded people

The Australasian Good Tranny Guide.

A great guide for the transgendered, that covers all aspects,
with links to support groups, doctors, and even where to shop.

The Seahorse Society of N.S.W.
A support group for Crossdressers and Partners, based in Sydney

The IGTA is a civil and human rights data gathering and
network building organisation for transgendered people.

© 1999 Rene Sydney

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