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They Are: 80s famous 4-piece pop-metal band. I really mean FAMOUS...
What's In It: 12 tracks of rock n' roll & blues tracks. If you heard their previous studio album before, then you'ill know what's in 'Bounce'.
What's worth listening? Their current hit-single "everyday" which is already on MTV's playlist, plus opener 'Undivided' which starts off with heavy detuned riff.
Any Extras? Yup, you bet, a free AmericanXS membership account. With it, you may download Jovi's unreleased or live tracks, behind-the-scene footages & special remixes.
Why Pay? 'cause you're into Jovi, pop-rock genre. If you want a nice, heavy, radio-friendly record, then add 'Bounce' into your list.

Rating : 4 out of 5

Review by mick_thomson_rules

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