My religion
I am Muslim,my religion is called  ISLAM. this means that I believe in one god and I follow the teachings of the world's finalProphet  Muhammad(peace and blessings be upon him) I do believe in all the other prophets before him, including Jesus.  I am very dedicated to my religion and hope to live my life being the best  muslim that I can be.  I want to always follow the pillars of my religion. to get more info about what islam is click here
Ever wonder why a Muslim woman dresses that way?
What does the Quran say about covering?

Male hijab

Dress for prayer



More stereotypes



see the truth
  Allah(SWT) says in the Quran
"O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers
to draw their cloaks over their necks and bosom (Surah Al-Ahzaab  Verse #59 )
  Allah (SWT) says in the holy Quran  "And Say to the believing women to lower  their gaze, and protect their private parts  and not to show off their adornment except only,  that which is apparent and to draw their veils  over Juyubihinna ( Surah An-Nur, Verses #30 and #31)
"My approach"
What did the prophet  Muhammad say?                
I sometimes get on the internet to chat with a few special people,     in hopes to exchange some religious knowledge.    Offline,I try to approach most people slowly as to avoid scaring    them away! joke. Here in Florida people act as if they never saw a muslim woman. Most Muslim women wear a scarf that covers their hair called hijab   in arabic. Many also wear long overcoats of lightweight material
to cover their regular clothes,   those coats are called
jilbab or abayya. and I wear Burgah, which is a veil.

I don't know all the reasons why people get scared off. I just figure
one reason is the ideas the media
has portrayed of muslims and also
because I am so abnormal to them
being naked has become "NORMAL" in this society!
  The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in a saheeh hadeeth: " Al-Mar-a-tu Awrah (The woman is Awrah)1. (Awrah is that which must be covered.)
This is the clear decisive text, which provides the hukm, judgement, and rule; (this gathers the entire matter).  Whoever reflects upon these 2 words (Al-Mar-a-tu Awrah) only, he will not need another evidence besides this - for covering the entire woman's body - her face, hair, 2 hands, feet & body. The deen has ordered covering the Awrah; it is obligatory, it is pointless to deny it.
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