about Me
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Family Motto

 "It's All About Me"


Couple on Vacation
I love to travel.  I have learned the difference (the hard way, of course) between traveling for business & traveling for pleasure.  I'm not as fond as business traveling as I was, say about two years ago.  I've been to different spots around the world and have about a zillion more on my 'TO DO' list.  I love to visit new cultures & taste new foods.  My ultimate goal would be to join the century club, consisting of members who have traveled to 100 countries or more.


This page is my attempt to overcome my issues about releasing too much personal information.  Let me know your thoughts by clicking on the cute yellow bird below and sending me an email.

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I have opinions on just about everything, including things I probably shouldn't.  Just ask me, and I'll gladly tell you.


ChefI love to eat good food.  Pretty much, I just love to eat, which is a good thing considering that it is a medical necessity that I eat very regularly (about every 3-5 hours).  Sometimes, as you might imagine, it becomes a huge hassle & messes up my plans a little bit.  That is why I have a constant supply of energy bars at all times.  I'm also addicted to water, now, too.  (Go figure!)  So, whenever I leave the house (which isn't that often, but I'll get to that later) for more than an hour, I bring a bottle of water and snacks as if I'm setting out on a survival trip.  Needless to say, (but I'll say it anyway) I wouldn't last one day on that reality show "Survivor."


Me leaving the house:

Once I'm out, I'm usually fine.  But, since I work at home quite a bit, I may not leave for a day or three.  Then, somehow, it becomes a HUGE obstacle to go out again, even to run to the grocery store.  I read a quote that  fit my scenario somewhat. 

"Indeed, because of their strong ability to take into themselves the feelings of others, (they) can be hurt rather easily by those around them, which, perhaps, is one reason why they tend to be private people, mutely withdrawing from human contact."

Okay, that may not apply in all instances, but it is accurate in some.  Other times, I just get too annoyed by humanity in general. 

South Florida has changed way too much during my life.  Too many people have not only been allowed to move here, but have been courted to do so.  Everything you have ever read about the corruption here probably doesn't even come close to the truth.  Hence, the developers went crazy & overdeveloped the area by draining & then building on the fringes of the Everglades.  They were not only allowed to do this but strongly encouraged by some of our corrupted legislators.  Now, we're in dire straits with a major water shortage because our current water supply is not enough to support all of the people & businesses down here.  

One commissioner attempted to establish a moratorium on further development until this water shortage was under control.  Sadly, this was immediately rejected.  I wouldn't be surprised if he is sleeping with the 'gators soon or opening his very own numbered Swiss account.

As you might imagine, I am annoyed at the sight of so much humanity out there polluting my beautiful state.  It's easier to stay home in my little oasis.









Cactus Chewing Straw
I rarely imbibe the spirits, but when I do, I absolutely adore tequila.  However, I am very particular about it.
Flying Hawk

I am in a committed relationship with the love of my life.  He's all the clichés (knight in shining armor, soul mate, best friend, raison d'être, etc...) & so much more.  For as big as my vocabulary is, I can't put it into words.  So I'll let you use your imagination. Suffice it to say, I'm madly in love with my Galahad. 

Abstract person unlocking something
My personality type is most likely an INFJ trapped inside of a INTJ, or vice versa.  I'm still kind of on the fence about whether or not one changes over the course of one's life...


All About Me
My favorite color is purple, but not just any shade.  I have been told that I might be somewhat colorblind, so probably what I think is one color, you won't.  I think it's more of a cross between indigo & royal purple.  Maybe what you see above, and then again maybe not.  I have no idea what your eyes see emanating from your monitor.


Kawasaki Ninja 500R


I used to ride a motorcycle.  I still have my motorcycle license, but I sold my bike.  Riding in South Florida has just become too scary for me lately.  Too many people who I admire as excellent riders have been having accidents.  "...'course I'm an excellent driver."  I do miss the thrill of it.  Maybe one day, I'll try again...  


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