
Passion to me is all the things that I could not live my life without. First off, for those of you who know me well, you know the number one passion in my life is my beloved, beautiful girlfriend, Joy. Our love is what gives me the passion to do all the things that I am passionate about. Without her, I would be nothing. Everything would be meaningless. All those other little passions needn't be if I were without her.

But what is it that I DO do with my life? What little intricacies of daily duties give life its color? Today is a day in early January, just after the turn of the technical millenium. It's snowing outside. It's my day off from work. Days off are splendid, because they give me time to do all those things that I love to do, like read. I'm a bookaholic. Joy has told me time and time again that I have an addiction to buying books and she's right. Of course, it does and doesn't help that I work in a bookstore. I get a good discount, so buying books is all the more tempting. However, I'd be buying them anyway, even if I didn't work there, so the discount is a good thing. For more about the books I read, check out the books page.

I've also been known to write things from time to time. I've started about a billion different "novels" and stories, but somehow, they never get my mind, nor on paper. I have a billion different ideas floating around there in that space in my head that I call "the brain", but they don't always like to manifest themselves. I've also written a good deal of poetry in my day. Most of my poetry springs from hatred and anger and hurt, so lately I haven't written any. But if you like, you can check some of it out right here.

I adore musical theatre. For the longest time my dream in life was to become a musical theatre superstar on Broadway. I've grown older and sadly, life often pushes dreams aside, so I'm not as hopeful as I once was in that arena....but every now and then I think I could still do it. It's just a matter of finding the courage and will and strength to go for it. Who knows? Maybe one day I will make it happen. In the meantime, I love going to shows whenever I possibly can. Here's a little more about theatre.

In addition to music of the theatre variety, I am also a music junkie. I am Sarah McLachlan's biggest fan. Okay, I'm sure there are thousands of you out there who claim the same thing, so it is a little hokie of me to say I'm her "biggest fan", but...I adore her to pieces and her music has gotten me through some tough spots in life. Additionally, I love tons of other musicians, primarily women's folk/alternative kinds of stuff, but there are some guys who I respect, admire, and enjoy out there in the music world as well.

Like most people in this day and age, I find movies and television at times, enjoyable. I'm even addicted to a few shows. Eeek! I've compiled some information on my favorites, as well as some links that you can check out. As I am a lesbian, I'm very big into gay and lesbian tv and movies, so if you're looking for recommendations, you've come to the right place!

I have favorite famous people too...yes, other than Sarah McLachlan...though, I wouldn't really consider that so much, a passion, but if you wanna know who they are.....walk this way with me.

I have always considered myself a spiritual person. At one point in time I was what I now deem a "hardcore Christian." Not a conservative fundamentalist, per se....more a "praise Jesus, He's your friend, God loves everyone" kind of Christian. These days, that's just not the case, but I have found spiritual fulfillment elsewhere and love reading and learning about all kinds of different religions.

As it is the start of yet another New Year, it would be silly not to mention the new, health fanatic me. I'm fully committed to health and losing some weight right now. I have my trusty treadmill and a will and drive to take care of myself. For some healthy links, check this out.

Well, alrighty then....that should be enough to get you started on your journey to learning all about this crazy chick who deems herself, "joesydee"...if you want to go home....