Christopher took up residence in a chair by Jessica's desk after handing Seth the blanket.. Seth wrapped the pink satin blanket around the baby and looked over to where Jessica stood, hands on her head still.. her sobbing had subsided and she was slumped against the wall.." Lass, ye can come out now and get dressed again.. then take a seat I 'ave something ta tell ye"

jessica nodded sniffling and moves quickly to pull her panties and jeans back on.. she made no eye contact with her Uncle or her brother.. finally settleing onto the bed lying on her tummy, her head laying on a pillow.. still sniffling a bit it was then that Seth began to tell his tale.. and the lesson began..

" Keep in mind lass, tha' I am nay Theurge or Galliard, but i will do my best" with that he took a breath and began.. " It was at the beginning o' time when there was not yet time. It was then that there was a Dawn. Gaia unfolding out of nothingness. There was no Sun nor Moon yet but Gaia's glory was so bright so pure, who had need fer the Sun? I know I canna imagine such a thing in its full but t'would have been a sight ta behold. Beautiful creatures were born, dancing in the the light of the Dawn. If ye ever meet faeries or unicorns lass ye will know a small sliver of their glory. There was no envy, no hate, only the pure joy of being. The utter exhiliration of reaching out tasting, touching, smelling, listening, and looking at all tha' was new. T'was a time of flux, of pure entropy. Anything could and was able ta happen."
Seth looked over at Jessica and smiled at the puffy eyed contrite girl on the bed as he continued.. "Gaia grew tired of all the chaos so she decided ta make a bit of order so she could take her rest. So it was tha' she called ta her children, her creations and named each of them. The names, while limiting them also gave them marvelous powers, the likes they had never had before. Some names were greater than others so she set these above others, tha' tis how we have the totems and their broods as we have now but that tis a tale to be told over another bottle. These beings slowly became used ta their names and their powers but chaffed tha' they were restrained so much. T'was then tha' they began exchanging skins, just fer a time mind ye at first. Then t'was a permenant type thing."

Seth shifted the little bundle in his arms a little and tilted up the bottle a tad bit more.. "they say t'was the coyote who started it all. After he received his name, the coyote took the skin from a human and got back inta line ta get a name. Gaia names him human, thinkin' 'e is a human. Coyote leaves and busts out inta laughter knowing he now has two names. He tells others about it, Bear, Cat, Wolf, Raven, Spider and a bunch of others. Each of them takes a human skin and goes in ta get named as human. The Raven being the last one in line, well, if ya know Raven at all ya know what Raven is like. The Raven could not stop laughing as he stood infront of Gaia waitin' ta be named. The human skin slipped and she was outraged. He told how Coyote started it all."

Looking back to Chris and Jessica in turn he continues some more.. "Ta each of them she set tasks since they had taken an extra name. Ta Bear she set about keeping herself healthy, ta Raven she set the task of warning, the Cat she set ta watching, the Coyote she set ta making her children laugh and think, the wolves, thats us, she set the task of defending her. Now, Tis time ta hear of the Triat. The Wyld, the Weaver, and the Wyrm. The Wyld tis infinite change, infinite creation, all possibilities that can be. Tis just as the name says, wild. Nothing is set at all but regularly spewing out new creations and new ideas. It is transmutation. Tis the wyld that keeps us werewolves fighting for the dawning of another day lass. Though we are out numbered, perhaps even out powered, any thing is possible. Even for us ta win the war that rages. Anyway, everything it would create was unable ta hold form. By its own nature it took back what it had created and recreated and recreated. This is where the Weaver comes inta play."

He stood and slowly walked around the little bedroom, the baby craddled in his arms.. bottle long gone as the little lass slipped off into a sweet sleep.. Jessica lay still on her bed and watched him, her curiosity and intrest peeked by this tale.. everyonce in awhile she unconsciencly rubed at her bottom..

"Ya see. The Weaver is the exact opposite of the Wyld. Ya will recall how I said Gaia was namin' the creations? Well, after bein' tricked, she decided twas time fer her ta have somebody else, the Weaver. Being able ta name something and name it true is an incredible power for it gives ya control over what ya name. The Weaver is the giver of names, order, growth, and form. It took the wild and chaotic creation of the Wyld and gave it structure. Spun webbing into a pattern that is now all around you. I find it amusing lass, ta hear people say things are of the Weaver cause anything that has form is really of the Weaver. Every tree, every stone, every home, every highrise building, and every life would not be if it were not for the Weaver. The Weaver also gave a portion of its naming ability ta the humans, which is where ya git Mages from. Anyway, the problem with the world is that there is no longer a balance ya see. Tis not that things are of the Weaver but that the Weaver is nay longer contained. This is where ya git the Wyrm ya see."

The room was Quiet save for the chirping of the birds just outside the window, which seemed to be listening to this tale as it unfolded.. Seth walked over to Jessica, as she sat up wincing and layed back against the headboard.. Smiling Seth layed the tiny babe in her mothers arms, and sat beside the two on the bed.. Jessica loked down at her daughter and smiled a little, brushing her finger softly against the baby girls face..she lookd up at Seth and he continued..
" The Wyrm was the balance between the Wyld an' the Weaver. It was the restraining force on the Weaver. It removed that which was not harmonic between the two forces. It was the Wyrm that made certain tha' neither the Wyld nay the

Weaver were destroyed by the other. Today, the Wyrm is corrupted. Tainted with a urge to destroy only, 'aving lost its original purpose. Tis debated how the Wyrm became corrupted. Some would say the Weaver tried ta spin all of the Wyld and in doing so broke her own laws. Ta spin all of infinity was impossible, causing the Weaver to go insane, spinning madly. The Wyrm fought ta keep up, destroying and destroying tha' which the Weaver brought into being. The Wyrm became exhausted and fell into the Weaver's webs, caught there even to this day. The insanity of the Weaver passed on to the Wyrm through the webbing as it tried still to destroy and bring about the balance once again. The Wyrm's destruction took on a foul taint, losing its purpose in the need ta destroy. Others say twas the Wyrm tha' tried ta use the Weaver ta destroy the Wyld so the Wyrm could rest. Yet others that the Weaver purposefully caught the Wyrm in its grip so it would gain control of the Wyrm's destructive force, so t'would have ta use the Weaver's laws for destroying rather than its own laws. Does not really matter ta us which way it happened. The point is lass, that the Weaver is mad an' the Wyrm is corrupt, slowly but surely destroying Gaia in its madness."

Christopher motioned to Seth then over to both girls .. Seth looked at the two and smiled.. getting up her moved Jessica down more on the bed and covered her with a blanket.. taking the babe from her, he moved into the nursery and layed the wee one in her bassinet and closed the doors behind him.. he looked at Christopher and waved him over.." let them sleep Lad, it 'as been a long day for both of them" with that both left and made there way down the stairs..