Here is a list of tips that should help you stay motivated and keep on track.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!


Get the FAQ's!

These FAQ's were made up for ASDWW by Cindy but now maintained by Diane. It is a list of commonly asked questions here on ASDWW


Drink lots of water, at least eight - 8 oz glasses a day  PLUS a glass of water for every 25 pounds overweight you are. For information on WHY you need the water, read this article which was written by Claudia and is excellent.

Learn all you can about the importance of getting to your desired weight.. Whatever way of eating you do, learn all about it. That is what we on the ASDWW Newsgroup are doing.. so join us! There is a great website that I like to tell people about built and written by a fellow WW member... she has filled her website with GREAT ideas, tips, ways she lost, before and after pics... I highly recommend you click on this link and look around.


Exercise!  The best way to speed up your weight loss, is to add regular exercise to your lifestyle (WOL = way of living).   SHAKE IT UP...  e.g.: do gym cardio one day.. on alternate days...  walk, hike, dance like a fool in your living room… don't let your body have the chance to get used to what you are doing. :)) You need to trick it, as your body can adapt and that is where you reach plateaus.  :)   Make your exercise count!  Nothing tastes as good as slim feels!


Snack using healthy foods. Junk food binges usually happen because your body has had an insulin spike after a meal, and if you satisfy that craving or urge to eat, put something good in your tummy instead of junk. By eating junk food you slide back, your exercise will have been for nothing as you are giving your body more fat to store.


Why do you want to lose weight?  Make a list of the reasons you have to lose...  put them in one column....  then ask yourself why you should not lose weight, put those reasons in the other column.  I think you will find that you have every reason on earth to get healthy.  Many of us were not taught the right way to eat.  Don't blame your mum,  as she probably didn't' know better ...  but in this day and age, where information is at our fingertips...  make it your business to learn about all of this! :)

Eat breakfast! It will help you to have energy during the day, and prevent cravings mid morning and lunch time. It also helps your metabolism as your body doesn't go into starvation mode... and slow your metabolism.  Also, if you are having difficulties making your minimum points for the day, adding a few extra points for breakfast is a great way to make sure you're eating enough!

Set minigoals for yourself... how about setting your goal to lose 5 pounds...  and that is ALL you have to think about... getting down 5 pounds! Once you reach that, you set a new number... :) It helps to say "I have 5 pounds to lose!"

Patience.  Dont' be in a rush for it all to happen at once. It took time to put the weight on, it won't come off in a week or two. :) You have a lifetime to get this right, there is no hurry.


 On the UK plan the following points are recommended


under 10 stones


18 points

between 10 - 12


20 points

between 12 - 14 


22 points

between 14 - 16 


24 points

between 16 - 18 


26 points

 between 18 - 20 


28 points

over 20 stones


30 points




These are the points recommended on the American plan


Less than 150 pounds


18-23 points

150-174 pounds


20-25 points

175-199 pounds


22-27 points

200-224 pounds


24-29 points

225-249 pounds


26-31 points

250-274 pounds


28-33 points

274-299 pounds


29-34 points

300-324 pounds


30-35 points

325-349 pounds


31-36 points

More than 350 pounds


32-37 points



Strategies to Help You Over a Weight-Loss Plateau


Low point soup site

Hosted by Stephen Rees


Basal Metabolism Caculator


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