The exile is over, lost sheep of Yisra'el.
It is time to come home!

Hear O’ Israel, you that have forced yourselves into a life of exile. The Land cries out to you, praying for your return, yet you will not budge. How your ancestors have yearned to touch and rest upon Holy ground. Do you too not dream of the time when you’ll reside in the Holy Land? Do you not pray for your return to Israel? Do you not vow, next year in Jerusalem? Words can’t describe the hurt of our nation. For lack of your presence, our heart beats faintly. A great blow you have dealt upon us, that you do not grasp the hand of your people in the Promised Land.

You continue to live a lie despite all the signs G-d has Sent us throughout history. Still you find yourselves in strange lands, and compare the curse of your exile to a blessing that has its merits. Do you not recall the history of our people? It is marked by calamity followed by disaster; scared from injury, darkened by death, and its spirit has been devastated by the fetters of a forced subordination. Our reputation has been smeared with the mark of the oppressed, for we have been weak and suffering peoples; fighting for justice, life, and freedom, yet receiving only injustice, death, and persecution. We have taught social responsibilities, family values, and Divine knowledge, to pagans and gentiles, yet they have spread lies to demonize, vilify, and dehumanize us.

How we have bled at the hands of our oppressors; even our spirit has been drained and diverted. These deceivers have distorted the truth, corrupted the Holy, and have foolishly twisted our lessons for the sake of their intentions. They have made a mockery of our G-d and a travesty of our nation, by molding our Teachings to their own desires and then forcing us to bow down to these illegitimate idols. Must you suffer more before you will learn? How much longer before your hearts will turn? Don’t you see? The time has come for us to finally grasp hands and regenerate ourselves. Thus we belong in the Promised Land, and not anywhere else.

It is true that we have taught the nations well and have left our mark upon the free and modern world. It is certain that we have fared well, and that despite the many times when all hell has broken out and evil has been let loose against us, we have managed to lead good and prosperous lives. And if we look back, we’ll find that the world we live in now is a much better place than it once was. Our parents and predecessors have sacrificed much of themselves so that we could make such statements, and even then, let us hold back our tongues, for although there is much good to guard, there is still much harm to guard against, and we do not have the luxury of rest. However, we have reached a turning point in our history, in that we are no longer required to suffer for the sins of the gentiles.

We finally have the option of leading our own lives and living for the sake of our kind. The prophesied age has arrived when our people can once more be ingathered in the Land. No longer must we be strangers in strange lands and a minority scattered amongst the majorities. No longer must we live the miserable life of a scarce fertilizer mixed amongst the many, that struggles against the odds to develop the good inclination of mankind, and harvest the fruits of G-d from amongst the barren pagan and gentile lands. Once again we are Granted the chance, and in fact Commanded not to waste the opportunity, to become a nation of prophets in the Promised Land, upholding G-d’s Laws, and living out His Commandments. Providence is Promising, and if we truly yearn to walk in the Ways of G-d, and be a Light unto the nations that is respected and blessed for offering the gifts of Divine Lessons and a greater essence in G-d’s Presence, then we, the children of Israel, must all live up to our Purpose as a Chosen people, and join our brethren in Israel, and Jerusalem, the heart of our nation.

And "The mountain of the Temple of Hashem Will Be firmly established as the head of the mountains, and it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it. Many peoples will go and say, 'Come, let us go to the Mountain of Hashem, to the Temple of the G-d of Jacob, and He will Teach us of His Ways and we will walk in His Paths.' For from Zion will the Torah come forth, and the Word of Hashem from Jerusalem." (Isaiah 2:2-3).

Do not forget who you are and where your nation is from. For as far as you may wander, you can never forget where you belong--you can never forget your Promised Land. You might say that was the past and now you have found yourself a new house, but this will never be so. Until you return to your home, the Home of your ancestors and of your forefathers, you will be doomed to wander upon the face of the earth, wearing the mark of the victim, like Abel, suffering in place of Cain, his envious tormentor. Such is the fate you prescribe for yourself. To wander from place to place, only to rest long enough for the natives to throw you out. And not because you yourselves have acted wrongly and behaved unjustly, to the contrary, it is likely you have done only good in your time, but because you have made one fatal blunder--you have contented yourself to live a life of dependency in the home of another.

It is precisely for this reason that Israel has suffered, for our peoples have not united and looked out for one another. We have hidden ourselves behind the banners of foreign flags, and thus our loyalties have been distorted and our children have been raised to be traitors and deserters. Like stowaways in foreign vessels, we have invested our efforts in the causes of tolerance and clemency, and for the purpose of gaining the favor and acceptance of the hosts in our presence, such that at times we have not trusted in the Lord of Hosts and have served lesser purposes in place of our own national aspirations. Instead of embarking on our own voyage, we have lost ourselves in a downward spiral that was only begun for the purpose of immediate survival. Perhaps in the beginning it was necessary to lower ourselves and suck up to those in power, but never was it our purpose to remain the subjects of foreigners.

It has cost us a Holocaust to finally be awakened from the deepest slumber. Not that such devastation was unknown to us before; in fact it has been common, for we have commonly been slaughtered. Rather, the combination of a rise of nationalism and self-determination, emancipation and liberation, then utter devastation, has finally triggered off such a cataclysm as has never occurred before since our last exile from Israel, nearly 2,000 years ago. It’s pathetic it took us so long to wake up. A sea of tears might have been dried up, had we only joined hands in our Land. Yet even now when we are Given the opportunity to make a new start, there are those that still continue to hold back.

I’m not implying that suffering awaits our peoples in America, and that the peoples of that great republic would rise up against us. America has been built upon the cornerstone of our Bible and the wisdom of our teachings, and she will not sway, lest she wish to destroy herself. Our people have suffered too much for too long, and I don’t believe G-d has the will to see His nation further harmed. Rather, it is a different type of torment that awaits those who chose to live in exile. There is a curse that plagues the children of Israel in America and in western nations of the diaspora. They are Blessed with many talents and much intellect, and are showered with wealth and success, yet their lives remain meaningless and their souls are never contented, for these spirits dwell in emptiness. They may travel great distances in their quest for appeasement and they may go to great lengths to gain pleasures, but never will they find true meaning in their lives, as long as they ignore the needs of their souls. The spirit of a Jew yearns to be in Israel and the Land awaits its people’s return for the same reason that a body is empty without its soul. Just as you live a life devoid of spirit, so has Israel been denied its meaning.

A spiritual death has spread over the US, for you have hidden from G-d and not heeded His Calling. Like Jonah, who strayed from the path of his Purpose and tried to hide himself from the Almighty, so do you linger in your ways, foolishly delaying the inevitable and testing the Will of the All Powerful. You ignore your responsibilities and do not think about what you are doing. G-d "Sees" how you act carelessly and deal with Sacred issues irreverently, and your behavior is reflected upon Israeli society. Soon enough the hosts all around you will become unnerved by the tempest that plagues their spirits, and they will seek healing.

Just as the sailors came down to Jonah, for the sweltering sea had caused them much fear, so will the gentiles approach you, for they will have tried to find comfort and meaning in their religions, in science, modern astrology, pagan mysticism, and psychology, but will have achieved nothing. And like the sailors in the book of Jonah, some will try to lighten their load by casting their possessions overboard, in order to simplify their lives and rid themselves of distractions and disturbances--but this too will not be enough. And like the sailors, their leaders will approach you, finding you fast asleep in your safehavens, as was Jonah, deep within the ship’s hold. They will ask you, "'How can you sleep so soundly? Arise! Call to your G-d! Perhaps G-d will think of us and we will not' (Jonah 1:6) [suffer]."

They will question the cause of their misfortune, and the answer will emanate from amongst our people. When they ask who we are, what our purpose is, where we have come from, where our land is, and from what peoples we have originated, each one of us will answer, like Jonah: "I am a Hebrew and I fear Hashem, the G-d of the Heavens, Who Made the sea and the dry land." (Jonah 1:9). For Hashem is the King of the Universe and the Source of all that is known, and thus you shall not fear any other force or being, since only G-d Stands at the root of all things. The gentiles will come to understand what is going on, and like the seamen they will fear for the worst, and will say to us, "What is this that you have done." (Jonah 1:10). For they will know that it is from before Hashem that we flee; banishing ourselves from the Promised Land and hiding from His Laws; for we will have told them.

Then the sailors said to Jonah, "What must we do to you so that the sea will subside from upon us?--for the sea grows stormier!" (Jonah 1:11). And "he said to them, 'Pick me up and heave me into the sea and the sea will calm down from upon you; for I know that it is because of me that this great tempest is upon you.'" (Jonah 1:12). So will we answer, "Submerge us deep within this storm of the soul and let us reach the Source, for we know it is because of us that you have been cursed with superficiality and plagued by a lack of spirit and meaning, since we have fled from the Truth and not served our Purpose in the world."

Israel has been Chosen to serve as a Light unto the nations. We are Commanded to follow in G-d’s Ways and elevate ourselves to such a level that we should be able to connect with the Infinite. It is through the fulfillment of our Covenant with G-d that we set an example for the rest of mankind. And as a result of our sincerity and our devotion to Truth and Justice, we sanctify the world and rectify the lives of the many misguided souls. Yet we have ignored the words of our prophets and not lived according to our Covenant. And since we mock our G-d and do not assemble ourselves in the Promised Land, the might of Hashem has been intensified upon us.

The gentiles, like the sailors, will nonetheless hesitate to do as we say, and will instead do everything in their power to return to a state of comfort and balance, but they will not succeed, for the storm of confusion and skepticism will overcome them. And they will call out to G-d and pray that He not be vengeful for what they are to do to His people, and they will send you into the storm, and it will rage no more. Then will they see the Signs of Hashem, and will fear Him greatly, for He will have been revealed to them. Then will they make their vows and swear their loyalties, for they will see Truth in the ways of our nation. And G-d Will Designate a large vessel to carry us beyond the uncertainty and the dangers of the storm, and He Will Deliver us to our Home, in the Land of Israel.

On that day we will pray and glorify His Name, for we will have sunk to the bottom and seen the depths of emptiness, but the Holy One of the Heavens will have Reached out and Saved us. "Waters encompassed me to the soul, the deep whirled around me (2:6)... Yet, You Lifted my life from the pit, O Hashem, my G-d (2:7). I was driven from before Your Eyes, but I will again gaze at Your Holy Temple!" (2:5). So will we make our way to Israel and join hands with the rest of our people. And the world will rejoice for the sake of G-d’s children and the magnificence of Jerusalem.

All this will happen in our time. Not in centuries, nor over a period of generations--not even for tens of years must you wait for it. You need not linger or hesitate, nor wait for a miracle or pray for a savior, for this prophesy is immediate and must not be delayed for a minute. The day of reckoning is upon us and the moshiach is amongst us. Take no heed of scoffers for they are blind to the world around us and too afraid to observe the significance of sequences of occurrences. They will bring you only shame and hesitation, leading you over the endless ripples of the repeating waves of history. They will delay the prophesied age from generation to generation, until finally we become impatient and strong enough not to reject it. Only then will we do what we should have done long ago. Only then will we bring about our Redemption.

The scoffers exist only to test our sincerity. They doubt our readiness because they know, only the unprepared will be affected by their skepticism. Ignore them and fulfill your Purpose and they will come to see and believe. Israel has already been re-established. Our nation has been reborn. Much less remains, before the world shall know. Our task has been eased thanks to the work and effort of those before us. Israel has already been built and G-d has Blessed it on many occasions. The Land blossoms with wealth and abundance; it flows with milk and honey. Our people, with the help of G-d, have transformed it from a desolate wasteland into a lush and fertile expanse. Israel has become the envy of nations and is once more the focal point of civilizations. The Land has opened up to us, and all that is left for you to do is to reside in it. For there is no better place for you, and no other home for you to return to.

Lest you wish to forsake your G-d, your nation, and the Holy Land Promised to you for all generations, and abandon the hope that has carried us beyond seemingly impassable obstacles and past calamities and plagues that no other nation has survived, you will fulfill the prophesy in your time. If you ignore history and try to hide yourself from the Almighty, you will invite only calamity, and a repetition of all the harm that has befallen upon us. If you turn your backs on Israel, you will be aborting your children and the future of your people. Without you, Israel will fade away.

People see the way you betray your brothers, and because of you Israel has lost its confidence. Israelis are becoming weak and tired. They are less likely to value the Land and less inclined to die for their country. Like you, they betray everything that is Sacred. Many are eager to flee to America, and like you, they speak of Israel as if it were just another nation. Time is precious, for our presence is dependent upon the subtleties of your careless decisions. If you do not look beyond the illusions and grow out of your naiveté to come to terms with reality, you’ll lose Israel before you even understood it was there, and will abandon your hopes and dreams, when they could have easily come into being. Like a fool that looks upon a treasure chest and sees only a box, there is a diamond in your hand yet you mistake it for any other rock. The greatest treasures in life are just beyond your grasp, yet you lack the insight to know you should reach out.

The Land of the Book would open up its pages should you only look upon its words. Make your way up to Israel and divulge yourselves in the Eternal Wisdom. You could change the world if only you reached out to the Holy. And nothing could hold you back, for the Purpose of G-d Leads you forward.

The perpetual exile means you'll always remain in exile. You're born in exile and you'll die in exile, and you live your life without Israel. These people have removed themselves from Israel, and certainly from G-d... If the state of Israel should be destroyed, what would they say?--Oh well, it's not my country anyway? Consider the factors that have led to Israel's destruction and exile: Its people betrayed their Covenant and lived like everyone else, so Israel ceased to be, because it removed itself from G-d. Which is the story of our day.

Israel wasn't Chosen to live in exile, nor was it Chosen to serve the nations and uphold their ways. Nothing has changed from the time of Rome to this day, and if nothing changes then Israel can look back rather ahead, for that's where it's headed, back in its mistakes. When you know your history, you feel that much older, and the wisdom of time becomes a part of you--that you are all the years of your past combined. Israel has perpetually made the same mistakes, and I am here to say: There is a Better Way. Israel will become a nation of G-d that upholds His Laws and lives by His Commandments. When this happens, the exile will be a place for traitors.
