Hello and Welcome

to the

Holiday party!

Join us as we celebrate the Holiday season with stories, games, photos, and animated funnies. For those of you who are ill, we hope you have as good a holiday as one can have, suffering from M.E. Realizing that this illness forces us even more than a well person to have to influence and create our own worlds, M.A.M.E. strives to alleviate suffering through education - and the occasional celebration like this one!

What is M.A.M.E.?

Mothers Against Myalgic Encephalomyelitis was founded in 1999 as a vehicle for promoting awareness and education about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, enlisting the support of healthy family and community members through volunteerism.

And now on to the fun!

I know you peeked at the bottom of the page and saw that gift sitting there. Yes, it's for you! Of course you're wondering what's inside your gift, so go ahead and let your curiosity get the better of you.

Click on it for a clue...