Exploring God's Creation with our mind through Mathematics

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Life could be seen as such:

the visiblethe invisible
Real partsimaginary parts

Real and imaginary parts of complex numbers used as an illustration:

Let's look at the expression: (-½+ i*(SQRT(3)/2)

We simply accept the fact: i² = -1, just as we are accepting the fact of the finished work of Jesus Christ on calvary. Now we really discover something wonderful:

(-½+ i*(SQRT(3)/2) * (-½+ i*(SQRT(3)/2) * (-½+ i*(SQRT(3)/2) = 1

If we multiply those terms binomialwise, we can see real parts turning to imaginary parts and imaginary parts turning to real parts.

That illustrates the following:

A provision will turn into a need and a need will turn into a provision. Faith will become sight (Hebr.11:1) and sight will become faith.

If we reduce the above calculation to: (-½+ i*(SQRT(3)/2)³ =1, that is: raising the term to it's third power we arrive at the next illustration: The difference between natural and supernatural thinking.

Naturally speaking: the third root of 1 is 1. But according to the fundamental theorem of algebra this is only one of three possible solutions! We could say it's true and even prove it: 1 * 1 * 1 =1. Yet we are missing the whole point if we do that: The third root of one is: (-½+ i*(SQRT(3)/2) and we discover God's wonderful way of thinking as we follow it through.

Applied to our daily walk with God:

Today's provision is the answer of yesterday's prayer for a specific need. With this provision also comes a new need. With this need we go to God again and it will become a new provision. It's a walk of daily dependence. Life is not as simple as Western Culture would have us believe: only real parts, or as Eastern religion would have us believe: only imaginary parts. But Life is COMPLEX, made of imaginary AND real parts.


2.Cor 4:18: While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

2:Cor 5:7: For we walk by faith, not by sight

The things that are visible are not bad in themselves ...

Rom 14:14b: I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself

... but need to be interpreted by the things that are invisible. Walking by sight means to interprete the things we see outside of the Word of Grace. God is very practical by providing for us visible and tangible blessings and He also wants us to be practical:

James 2:16: And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit

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