Considering the amount of time most of us devote to Space Cases--working on our webpages and reading fanfic and surfing the SC webring--it is bound to invade our dreams. We've certainly had a few dreams, some weirder than others. So what about you? Send us your dreams!

Just to start you off, here are a few of Sage's:

Dream one

I got the idea for my story "Irony" from a dream. I was on the Christa and I was looking at Thelma, who was pointing to a viewscreen containing a picture of the ship. She asked me why I wanted to blow it up, and then Radu grabbed me from behind, and I transported away with him. Then we were sitting on this motorcycle-like thing and I saw the Christa blow up behind me. Radu and I were fighting, which was difficult to do with him behind me on the space-motorcycle. That was about the point where I woke up.

I had the dream between the first and second seasons, when I wasn't a terribly avid SC fan. Something about it, though, made me want to watch, so on Saturday I made sure to tune in, and from that point on I never missed and episode. After a few weeks I started taping it. So if not for that dream, I may never have been a 'Caser at all! That's a weird thought...

Dream two

I don't remember this one as well, but here goes. The Christa stopped on this totally gorgeous planet--the sun was shining brightly, alien birds were singing, flowers were everywhere. One of the first things they noticed was an abandoned city made out of brightly colored boxes. They went exploring, and Rosie and Bova crawled into pipes that led all over the city. They soon got lost, and when they finally made their way out, they found all of these oddly dressed people, but no Christa. They'd gone back in time, to an era when the city was a bustling populace. I don't remember much after that; I must have woken up.

Dream three

This one makes very little sense, but here it goes. The Space Cases were a rock group (probably inspired by Radu's hair). I think they got confused with the Animorphs(a book series by K.A. Applegate) in my mind, because they then morphed into birds and flew to a residential area. They landed, and Radu wandered off and got lost. E-mail us at