placecard holders | silver | scented | table decorations | packaging | themed favors
complimentary shipping on all orders
garden / fall themed favors and decorations for weddings, bridal showers and other special occasions
designer leaf
ornaments, $6
essential oil
bath salts, $10
floral placecard
holders, $3.75
ribbon bookmarks
table decorators
floral silk sachets
chocolate garden
seed favors,
mini stationery totes
flower topped
favor boxes, $2.50
pastel confetti
daisies, $3.75
pastel favor leaves
butterfly and dragonfly
holders, $3.25
pearlized leaf soaps
festive linen sachets
blooming pin cushion
sachets, $10
sinamay tote bags
mini butterfly sachets
flower topped
glass favor jars, $6
swarovski crystal
wine stoppers, $13
butterfly napkin holders
maple leaf
bookmark favors, $7
edible garden
seed favors, $12
miniature garden pails
pear soaps by
gianna rose, $8
pastel favor vases
custom designer

watering cans,


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