The website of Wedd genealogy

George Wedd, born 1785 George Wedd, born 1785

A source for WEDD family history and genealogy
With links to family trees of the RYAN, HAYS, DUNKIN and COTTER families

What you will find here:

List of known Wedd family members.

Family trees of the Wedd family and others.

Picture gallery of the Wedd family.

Documents about the Wedd family.

Links to Weddsites around the world.

And lots more information about WEDD family history down the ages.

If you are a WEDD family member, if you want more
information, or if you have new information
to share with us, please email us at:

email us

THE WEDD FAMILY: "Where did the Wedds originate from? Our earliest certain ancestor is Peter Wedd, who bought land in Fowlmere, Cambridgeshire, near Royston, in 1668; however there were Wedds living in Great Shelford, only a few miles from Fowlmere in the late fifteenth century..." (see THE WEDD FAMILY by Imogen Wedd in the DOCUMENTS section)

Among the known family members mentioned here are:

John Whed of Clarkesthorpe, fl 1296
John Wedd of Hauxton, fl 1445
Robert Wedd of Great Shelford, d 1492
William Wedd, carrier, of Tickford, fl 1545
Robert Wedd, born 15??
Hellen Wedd, born 15??
Peter Wedd, born 15??
Elizabeth Wedd, born 15??
Christopher Wedd, son of Edward, b 1596, Kent
RobertWedd, born 1598
Elizabeth Wedd, born 1600
Benjamin Wedd, born 16??
Elizabeth Wedd, born 16??
Peter Wedd, born 1620
Elizabeth Wedd, born 1624
Robert Wedd, born 1630
Peter Wedd, born 1667
Mary Wedd, born 1669
Peter Wedd, born 1667
John Wedd, born 1706
Samuel Wedd, born 1710
Hester Wedd, born 1713
Peter Wedd, born 1715
Ruth Wedd, born 1715
Mary Wedd, born 1716
Nathaniel Wedd, born 1717
Hester Wedd, born 1747
Joseph Pattisson Wedd, born 1783
George Wedd, born 1785
Elizabeth Wallman Wedd, born 1813
Johanna Dunkin Wedd, born 1815
Ellen Dunkin Wedd, born 1816
Susannah Shuter Wedd, born 1818
George Wedd, born 1821
Sarah Dunkin Wedd, born 1823
Harriet Agnes Wedd, born 1825
Mary Dunkin Wedd, born 1827
Joseph Pattisson Wedd, born 1829
Henry Arthur Wedd, born 1832
Frances Emily Wedd, born 1834
Frederick Wedd, born 1836
Nathaniel Wedd, born 1864
Lilian Mary Wedd, born 1868
Henry George "George" Wedd, born 1870
Arthur John Wedd, born 1872
Wilfred Sibree Wedd, born 1874
Anne Frances "Nancy" Wedd, born 1875
Bernard Harry "Barney" Wedd, born 1876
Laurence Dunkin Wedd, born 1878
Cyril Edward Wedd, born 1879
Reginald Pattisson "Reggie" Wedd, born 1885
Kathleen "Molly" Wedd, born 1908
George Luis Pattisson "Luis" Wedd, born 1913
John Anthony Dunkin "Tony" Wedd, born 1919
Elaine Wedd, born 1920
Imogen Kathleen Wedd, born 1948

In the picture gallery you will find Wedd portraits going back to George (born in 1785!), and important locations in the Wedd story, including Woodmansterne, Fowlmere, Sutton and (in Tony's gallery) Kenya, Clifton and Ireland. In all, over 100 pictures are here.