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function pop() { alert('Welcome to WebTv USA. I made this site with my webtv plus and it is for webtv users only.***This Web Site has nothing to do with some stupid wannabe guy named ultra that looks ugly as hell!*** Check out all my pages and please sign my guestbook.\nThank You.....') }
<table width="100%" height="380" bgcolor="black" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr><td> <center> <font size="7" color="red" effect="emboss"> <b><i>Webtv Bug!!!!...Reload Page!!!!</i></b> </font></center> <p align="left"> <font size="6" color="limegreen" effect="emboss">    If you are seeing the above alert and reading this message it means the Webtv bug or fritz has struck. You must reload this page by holding the cmd key down and pressing the letter R key on your keyboard 5 or 6 times or this page will not work properly or not at all. <p> <center> Thank You....</font></center> <br><br><br><br><br> </td></tr></table>


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"Site Last Updated On 8-25-2000"

Captured Rainbow <center><font color="wheat"> <h1>WEBTV BUG!!!Reload page if status bar is empty..hold the cmd and r buttons ƒor ƒive seconds.<br>h1></font></center>

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Copyright ©1997-2000, All Rights Reserved ..All images and sounds was made by WebTv UsA iRc..I can't help it some people are jealous that this is the #1 site for WeBtV! lol ='p..I must say geocities is the best sever for webtv users try it today!