Card Captors


The Clow Cards are on the loose, and only Sakura Avalon can save the world from their destruction, and ironically enough, she was the one who sent the evil out into the world in the first place! She was looking at books and came upon a funny looking one, which is called the Clow. She opened it, and cards flew out and went everywhere. If the gaurdian of the Clow, named Kerberos (called Kero or Kerochan) was awake at the time, this would never have happened, but Kero happens to be a very lazy little creature. Anyway, Sakura had no clue what happened, but Kero told her this was her destiny, or she would never have broken the Clow's seal in the first place. So Sakura became a Card Captor so she could fullfill her destiny. Li Showran comes later in the show, and he to wants to capture the cards. For he is a relative of the creator of the Clow Cards, named Clow Reed. It is just Li and Sakura (and Madison, who makes all the battle costumes for Sakura) until Meilin comes. Meilin is in love with Li, and will not leave his side. She wants desperatly to be a Card Captor too. So she always tags along. Many captures take place, some go to Sakura (who actually is the only one who can capture the cards) and some go to Li, even though Sakura does all the capturing work! Will Sakura capture all the cards and return the world to peace? Gotta watch to find out!

Character List/Profile

Sakura Avalon

Name translation-Cherry Blossoms
Birthday-April 1
Blood Type-A
Favorite Class-Gym and Music
Favorite Color-Pink and White
favorite Food-Omelet with fried rice, noodles

Madison Taylor

Name translation-None
Birthday-Sept. 3
Blood Type-A
Favorite Class-Music and Japanese
Favorite Color-Beige and White
favorite Food-Buckwheat noodles and Sushi


Other Names-Kerberos/Kerochan/Beast of Seal/Gaurdian Beast
Blood Type-Unknown
Favorite Class-Unknown
Favorite Color-Red and Orange
favorite Food-Sweet Things

Tori Avalon

Name translation-Peach Blossom
Birthday-Feb. 9
Blood Type-O
Favorite Class-Chemistry
Favorite Color-Blue
favorite Food-Steak

Julian Star

Name translation-Snow Rabbit/Yuki=nickname
Birthday-Dec. 25
Blood Type-AB
Favorite Class-Math
Favorite Color-White
favorite Food-Anything

Li Showron

Name translation-Small Wolf
Birthday-July 13
Blood Type-AB
Favorite Class-Gym and Math
Favorite Color-Green
favorite Food-Dim Sum and Chocolate


Name translation-None
Birthday-June 1
Blood Type-AB
Favorite Class-Math
Favorite Color-Dark Red
favorite Food-Fish

Meilin Rae

Name translation-None
Birthday-March 25
Blood Type-B
Favorite Class-Music and Gym
Favorite Color-Red
favorite Food-Peach bun, sesame dumpling, and almond bean curd

Layla Mackenzie

Name translation-None
Birthday-Feb. 11
Blood Type-Unknown
Favorite Class-Unknown
Favorite Color-"unbleached cloth color"
favorite Food-alcohol


Name translation-None
Birthday-Oct. 11
Blood Type-AB
Favorite Class-Math
Favorite Color-Light Blue
favorite Food-Ramen and ice cream


Name translation-None
Birthday-June 24
Blood Type-A
Favorite Class-Gym
Favorite Color-White
favorite Food-Muffin


Name translation-Thousand Springs (Springs as in the seasons)
Birthday-May 28
Blood Type-O
Favorite Class-Japanese and Drawing
Favorite Color-Yellow
favorite Food-Omelet with fried rice, ice cream