
Oracle Cold Backup Script for Windows NT/2000
Date Wednesday, January 30 @ 11:39:33
Topic Backup and Recovery

A simple, easy to use Oracle Cold Backup script for the Windows environment. Since this script uses SQLPlus to shut the database down, you have to be running Oracle version 8i or greater. For older versions, use Server Manager.
The main script is a Windows command file called cold_backup.bat. You have to pass the name of the database you wish to backup as a parameter to this script.
This script calls 3 SQL files:
  • gen_file_names.sql - This script logs into the database and generates copy commands for the datafiles and controlfiles. It takes the backup destination directory as a parameter

  • shutdown.sql - This script shuts down the database after the filenames have been retrieved

  • startup.sql - This script starts up the database after the files are copied

Change the environment variables depending on your setup. You can schedule this to run as a batch job using the Scheduled Tasks wizard or by using the "at" command.

Comments are embedded in the script. You can download a zipped copy of all these files from our download area.

File: C:\scripts\cold_backup.bat

@echo OFF
@if not "%ECHO%"=="" echo %ECHO%
@if not "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" goto EOF

REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Name: c:\scripts\cold_backup.bat
REM Author: Murali Sreedhar
REM Usage: cold_backup.bat SID
REM Reqd. Files: c:\scripts\sql\gen_file_names.sql,
REM c:\scripts\sql\shutdown.sql,
REM c:\scripts\sql\startup.sql
REM Description: Performs cold backup of specified database. Change the environment
REM variables according to your specific environment.
REM Disclaimer: Use this script at your own risk. The author is not responsible
REM for any loss arising out of the use of this script.
REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

REM Prompt for SID

if {%1}=={} echo Please provide the SID as a parameter. & (goto :END)

REM Set up environment variables

set ORACLE_HOME=c:\oracle\ora90
set BACKUP_DIR=c:\backup
set USER_PWD="/ as sysdba"
set SCRIPTS_SQL=c:\scripts\sql
set SCRIPTS_LOG=c:\scripts\log
set SCRIPTS_CMD=c:\scripts\cmd

title Cold Backup of %1

REM Get a list of files to backup and generate the COPY commands
REM The copy commands are sent to another script called backup_child_SID.bat
REM which will do the actual backup. This temporary file is later deleted.
REM The backup directory is included as a parameter to the SQL file to be
REM included in the copy commands.

%ORACLE_HOME%\bin\sqlplus -s %USER_PWD% @%SCRIPTS_SQL%\gen_file_names.sql %BACKUP_DIR% > %SCRIPTS_CMD%\backup_child_%1.bat

REM If for some reason, generation of file names failed, abort the backup
REM and log the cause of the error in our error log file.

@for /f %%I in ('type %SCRIPTS_CMD%\backup_child_%1.bat ^| findstr/c:"ORA-"') do (
echo %%I >> %SCRIPTS_LOG%\cold_bkp_error.log
goto :END

REM On the other hand, if our child script was created properly, shutdown the database and run it !

date /t >> %SCRIPTS_LOG%\cold_bkp_%1.log
time /t >> %SCRIPTS_LOG%\cold_bkp_%1.log
%ORACLE_HOME%\bin\sqlplus -s %USER_PWD% @%SCRIPTS_SQL%\shutdown.sql >> %SCRIPTS_LOG%\cold_bkp_%1.log
if exist %SCRIPTS_CMD%\backup_child_%1.bat call %SCRIPTS_CMD%\backup_child_%1.bat
%ORACLE_HOME%\bin\sqlplus -s %USER_PWD% @%SCRIPTS_SQL%\startup.sql >> %SCRIPTS_LOG%\cold_bkp_%1.log
date /t >> %SCRIPTS_LOG%\cold_bkp_%1.log
time /t >> %SCRIPTS_LOG%\cold_bkp_%1.log

REM Delete the temporary file (the child script) to avoid confusion later

del %SCRIPTS_CMD%\backup_child_%1.bat >> %SCRIPTS_LOG%\cold_bkp_%1.log


File: C:\scripts\sql\gen_file_names.sql

set pages 0
set head off
set verify off
set feedback off
select 'xcopy '||file_name||' &&1\' from dba_data_files
select 'xcopy '||name||' &&1\' from v$controlfile

File: C:\scripts\sql\shutdown.sql

shutdown immediate

File: C:\scripts\sql\startup.sql


This article comes from DBAQuest.com

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