    You have made an incredible choice by inquiring information that will enable you to live a long time! Just like cars, we humans need a certain kind of fuel each day to make us run well. Without the proper fuel we will in no doubt begin to feel tired and unmotivated. Over time we will develop many deficiencies and become ill. Eventually we will also develop one or more of many diseases that prevent us from enjoying our lives! We will then be reduced to malfunctioning - the failure to operate properly
~ listen carefully ~
2urHealth copyright 2000
   Awards are made!
You are a beautiful and complex human machine! Take good care of yourself and you will inherit a lifetime achievement award of functioning properly and living healthy.  Become proactive by learning all you can about your body, yourself and others.  Become more aware of the beautiful ways in which your body services you each day! Read all you can to learn how to properly maintain your human vehicle in order to obtain maximum health benefits and feel happy!       
                ~ continue ~
Remember the Basic 4 Food group?
Well, it is the only
true way to eat well! Forget about those  fad diet you have heard! Fad diets may help you temporarily to lose weight because they reduce the number of calories, but if you do not learn how to eat properly then you will only keep gaining the weight back, or you will risk developing a          disabling disease Your body is a created with a very high tech program that needs the right amount of vitamins, minerals, energy, oxygen, sun and water. By eating a variety of foods each day from all four basic food groups you will acquire the vitamins, minerals and fiber that are necessary for the functioning of your body on a daily basis and by staying physically active, you will maintain a healthy life.
    In this day and age with technology replacing physical work and with the many activities that keep us busy all day, it may seem difficult to achieve a habit of eating the right foods. It can be done! I have had to battle for good eating habits after developing food allergy's that limit my choices. Believe me when I say that I know how difficult it can be but, I have done it and you can too!

~ your learning now  ~
    The following links        can help you learn  simple nutrition!
There are no proven short cuts to eating properly!  When choosing foods think in terms of variety, food groups and serving sizes. Remember that with making any behavior change, a habit takes time to create. Celebrate your life with me as we engage together in making healthy choices for ourselves!              
Using the Food Guide
Popcorn - The best snack!
Reading Food Labels
Health Care Resources
"Improve of your health and enhance your life!"
Weight Control
Fruits and Vegetables? Are you Kidding?
Our high tech human machines need these because they provide most of the vitamins, minerals, energy and fiber that we need to function and stay young and healthy! Unless you are interested in taking Algebra, Chemistry, Biology, Physiology, Anatomy and Nutrition then take my word for it. I have had to take these courses and now I understand why we
need fruits and vegetables!
   Skipping meals and taking vitamin pills are not as good for the maintenance and repair of your body! Besides that you also need the fiber from them that aid in digestion and may save you from bowel disease and possible surgery. Ever have
an endoscopy? I
haven't either but,
I have seen them done and it's not a pretty thing to do! So, eat your fruits and vegetables each day! They are so pretty and fun to watch grow and they come in various colors, shapes and textures.       
~ glad we have that straight ~
Online Cook Book
Nutrients are Valuable
        Scientists say eating a bowl of cereal in the morning will help to stay slim! So eat your breakfast! What is wrong with you?
There's NO excuse - a simple bowl of whole grain cereal and milk before you leave the house only takes a minute. I never leave the house without my cornflakes, half a banana and soymilk! Well sometimes I skip the banana and take some fruit with me. Some mornings I just can't face cutting up a banana or worse, finding one that is brown and mushy! Yuck! Ok - I am allergic to milk so what is your excuse? You can't eat that early? Your body is amazing and needs fuel to help get you going so listen to your Mother now...Duh! Eat your cereal!
Nutrition Home Made
2urHealth website was created by
Kimberly R. Garnett, B.S. Health Science Education 2000 all rights reserved
This page was last updated JANUARY 2005
Welcome To
My Kitchen!
Helpful Articles
"How To De-supersize Your Meals"
"Health Experts Investigate Roots of The Clean Plate Club"
"Health Benefits of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption"
"Obesity Costs 93 Billion Per Year"
Press Release
Harvard -"New Alternative to Dietary Guidelines Nearly
Twice As Affective in Reducing Risk for Major Chronic Diseases"
"Setting Goals for Weight Loss"
"Ways To Win At  Weight Loss"
Heart Healthy
Slide Presentation from General Mills
"The Whole Grain Story"
Food Allergy
"When Food Becomes Your Enemy"
"Obesity Facts - CDC"
Consumers Guide to Fats
"Pack a Nutrional Lunch - Put Color On Your Plate"
Nutrition Resources
American Diatetic Association
United States Department of Agriculture - USDA
Center for Nutrtion Policy & Promotion - CNPP
Healthy Fridge
Health - MSN
Nutrition Action Health Letter -CSPI
"What A Pizza Delivers" - CSPI
Mayo Clinic Food & Nutrition Center
Tuff University Nutrition
Nutrition Navigator - Tuff University
Nutrition Source  - Harvard School of Public Health
Federal Food & Drug Administration
Weight Control Information Network - NIDDK- NIH
Web MD Nutrition
"French Secrets To Staying Slim"
What Is Allergy?
American Diabetes Association
Guide to Food Additives
How Dieting Works
National Diabetes Education Program
Better  Diabetes Care
Food Adiction, Food Allergy, and Overweight
Fact Sheets from pdf.
Popular Diets Reveiwed
Nutrients That Work as Hard as You
5-A day for Children up to 2 years
Nutrition Label
Eat 5 to 9 Fruits  & Vegitables a Day
Nutrition & Convenience in a Can
Tomatoes are Better Than You Thought
Orange Juice - A Nutritional Power House!
Shopping Solutions for Healthy Living
Control Cholesteral with Food First
Healthy Aging with a Diet Rich in Vitamin E
Vitamin E - Disease Prevention for  Health
Healthy Habbits for Healthy Kids
Straight Answers About Aspartame
Fact Sheets for Kids
Polyols: Sweet Benefits
Helping Kids Build Stronger Bones
Kids Top 25 Favorite Breakfast Picks
Teaching Your little One Healthy Habbits
Almonds - A Handful for Heart Health
Flavor - A Matter of Taste
Fortified Grains May Cut Stroke Deaths
School Education
"Three Programs Are Improving Nutrition"
"Nutritionist Brings Battle to Improve School Lunches"
Nutrition News
Action For Healthy Kids
New Jersey State Profile
Partner Steering Committee
Report on Healthy Schools Summit & Action for Healthy Kids
Whats Working Data Base
Tools For Action - Fact Sheets
Team Nutrition
Nutrition Explorations
Dole 5 Day
School Nutrition Association
3 A Day for Dairy
Smart Mouth
Kids Cook Book - Dole
Food & Nutrition Information Center  - USDA
Fast Food Finder
Recipe of the Day -
American Heart Association - Online cook book
Betty Crocker
Taste of Home
My Favorite Cooking Magizine!
Changing the Scene - Improving School Nutrition
The School Environment - Helping Students Learn to Eat Healthy
~ enjoy ~
American Cancer Institute
Tons of healthy recipe's!
American  Diabetes Association
Cooking Light
Great healthy recipe's!
National Dietary Guidelines 2005
This pdf. is a short version &
nicely done for student use!
2005 Dietary Guidelines - US Gov
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