<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/web2urhealth/fireandrain_jamesTaylor.mid">
* NIDA for Teens
* Alcohol Can Spin You Around!
* Schoolastic Online Activities
* The Cool Spot
* Freevibe
Whats Your Anti-Drug?
Mind Over Matter
Girls Inc.
For Girls Health
* Girl Power!
Parents, Grandparents & Caregivers
* Helping Your Child Through Early Adolescence
* A Parents Guide to Helping Your Child Grow Up Drug-Free
* Drug Free America - Help for Parents
* Alcohol Facts
* Too Smart To Start
* Underage Drinking - To Costly To Ignore
* Helping My Child in School
* Take Time To Listen Cards

Faith-Based  Initiatives
* So Help Me God - Substance   Abuse, Religion & Spirituality

* Doctors Urged to Screen
* Recognition of Alcohol Abuse
* Routine Screenings
* Diagnosis & Treatment
* Positive Screening - Next

* Power Point Presentation
* Helping Patients - Alcohol
* Demand Treatment
* Emergency Dept. Program
* Project Mainstream
* Screening Bibliography
* Alcohol Alert - Screening
Signs  of Alcohol Use
Stages of Alcoholism
Children of Alcoholics
Alcohol on College Campus
Programs that work

Alcohol Research
"Reducing Underage Drinking -
A Collective Responsibility"

Alcohol and Media Influence
Alcohol Screening Online
Respect Yourself!
You' are amazingly created and your body is your personal life vestle. Take care of yourself - you are the most important person you have! You make decisions that effect your body's health and your life! Don't let other people influence you in negative ways.  Take a good look in the mirror and love the person you are!  We do not have to be like every one else.  Focus on your talents, desires, passions and your future. Your family and friends are the most important people you will ever have.  Be proud of who you are and look to those who love you  and treat you with love and respect.
Parents Beware
Reseach reveal
         ~  The younger our youth begin to drink Alcohol,
the greater the chances are that they
will have an Alcohol problem later. 

         ~  The underage drinking law has helped to
reduce Alcohol related deaths among youth.
It is illegal for anyone under age 21 to possess alcohol. The Law supports our youth in keeping
them safe from injury, permanent injury, and death
due to Alcohol and youth drinking.

         ~ Recent Research through brain imaging
reviels that youth's brains are still developing throughout
ages of  early 20's and that
Alcohol can interfere with healthy brain development.


         ~  Parents are youths greatest influence.
There is a lot that we can do to keep our youth safe from the morbid effects of Alcohol.  Take greater responsibility and intervene in your child's life by acting as a role model, a guide and a monotor during their years of  underage alcohol drinking.

Read more about your role and what you can do in
preventing underage drinking from the following link.

Guides to Programming
Preventing Drug Use Amoung Children & Adolescents: A Research-Based Guide provides a science-based conceptual models and research-supported information to enable the development and implementation of effective drug abuse prevention programs (National Institutes on Drug Abuse) pdf. 49 pages.
2urHealth copy right 2000
"Take charge of your health and enhance your life"!
Alcohol Policies in The United States: Highlights from the 50 States States provides statistical information on selected National alcohol policies, as well as the status of individual State policies as of January 1, 2000. (Alcohol Epidemiology Program, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) pdf. 89-pages.
Community How To Guides on Underaged Drinking Prevention advise local issues, includding: coalition building, needs assessment/strategic planning, enforcement, prevention/education, public policy, media relations, evaluations, and self-sufficiency. (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Governors Highway Safety Association).
Keep Kids Alcohol Free: Strategies for Action describes the public and private application of three science-based prevention models. Informative online "e-sources" that highlight prevention strategies in action are also included. (The Leadership to Keep Children Alcohol Free initiative)
Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws: A Compendium of Resources is a compilation of resources designed to assist States and local communities in the
enforcement of underage drinking laws. (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention)
Prevention: What's Science Got To Do With It? Describes seven key researched-based, substance abuse prevention strategies (Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Northeast Center for the Applicayion of Prevention Technology). pdf. 24 pages
Underage Drinking  Facts
This website is created & maintained by
Kimberly R. Garnett BS, CHES
Public Health Educator
last updated April 2005
Alcohol News
* Join Together Online
Alcohol Alert
* Alcohol Research & Health
NIAAA News Release
Prevline Newsroom
SAMHASA News Release
RAND Drug Policy Research
Evidence-based Principals for Substance Abuse Prevention presents science-based, field-tested guidelines upon which prevention programs can be based. Available in English & Spanish. (Office of National Drug Control Strategy)
Safe Lanes On Campus: A Guide For Preventing Impaired Driving and Underage Drinking (Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention
Test Your BAC
Find Treatment In Your Area
Alcohol Impairment Chart
Communnity  Mobilizing for Change on Alcoholi (CMCA) s a community organizing effort designed to change policy and practices of major community institutions in ways that reduce access of alcohol to teenages.
Short Quiz
Alcohol isn't for everyone
After all - it is a poson and must be savored in very small increments!  If you decide to over indulge in an alcoholic beverage you will be representing the
"Drinking for Dummies" crowd

Alcohol Facts
~ Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant
~ Alcohol slows your heart rate, respirations, reflexes, and alters brain chemistry

Youth are at risk
~ because their brains are still developing.
~Youth tend to act impulsively .
~Youth lack experience with drinking, with driving a car, with life skills and making decisions.
Alcohol lowers your judgement, caution and reasoning abilities
~ you may do something that you normally do not !
Alcohol  is a  Poison
~ when consummed in large quantities can cause permanant damage, injury and death.
~ You could choke on your vomit or stop breathing.
Alcohol Interferes with medications
~ it can render some needed medications useless.
~ It can casue a synergistic effect  when taken with others. This means that the intended outcome can be exagerated and be harmful to your health.

Regular acohol consumption can change your body's tolerance and can leed to alcoholism - a degenerative and progressive disease.

Learn How Alcohol Effects Your Brain!
~ Even though the legal driving limit is .08 BAC in most states, You are impaired at one drink and specific functions will not be noticed until you need to use them!
Alcohol Puplications
Early Warning Action Guide

* NIDA  Goes Back To School
Exemplary & Promising                   School  Programs
CDC Healthy Youth
40 Developemental Assets
Willow Tree
* Peace Project
National PTA

* Enforcing the Underage                Drinking Laws
* Office of National Drug                  Control Policy - Enforcement
* ONDCP - New Jersey
* NJ Policy Recommendations
* Underage Drinking Law                 Enforcement Training Center
* National Drug Strategy
* D.A.R.E.
* The National Parenting Center
Parenting Is Prevention
* + 15 - Take Time To Listen & Time To Talk
Family Day
Leadership To Keep Kids Alcohol Free
National Recovery Month
* NCADD - Stop Stigma
CASA Columbia
National Youth Anti Drug Media Campaign
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America
Connect For Kids
NIAAA Initiative on Underage Drinking
Visions - A Theatrical Production
* Caring For Every Child's Mental Health
* Substance Abuse  & Mental Health                 Association
National Institutes of Acohol Abuse &             Alcoholism
National Council on Alcoholism & Drug
American Council for Drug Education
National Institue On Drug Abuse
Office of National Drug Control  Policy
Higher Education Center for Alcohol &
* Partnership for a Drugfree New Jersey
* Drugs Don't Work in NJ
Govenors Council On Alcoholism &             Drug AbuseMorris County
NCADD - New Jersey
New Jersey Prevention Network
Morris County Prevention is Key
Center of Alcohol Studies at Rutgers
NJ Parent To Parent Coalition
Rap Room - CAEC Inc.
* Reach Out
The 15-Minute Child Break
New Jersey Links

National Allince for Mental Illness
NJ Alliance for Persons Affected by Mental Illness
National Institute of Mental Health
Mental Health
Could be Hazzardous to Your Health!
"It Takes A Village To Raise a Child..."
National Drug Control Strategy 2004
Celebrate your life & your  happiness by engaging in
activities that foster a sence of purpose, belonging and camaraderie. Seek out activities that fullfill your life passions. Whether it is one of a million like sports, arts, music, writing, theater, crafts, designing, building, engineering, science, biology  and nature, there are many to love and share!
"Alcohol began to erode our digestive system and we decided to drink sparkling grape juice - we have developed a higher sence of imagination and creativity and
the camaraderie is 
just plain crazy around here"!
How Prune Juice Kept me Going
Making Curly Ribbons Improved My Arthritis!
The Role of Parents in Preventing Underage Drinking
National Academy
of Sciences