Proud Parent?

Proud Parent?

"Grandma!" my daughter exclaimed,
"I might have my picture in the newspaper!!"

"Really? Wow! How wonderful! What did you do?"

"I was right in the middle of the front of the flag
In the Pride Parade this morning!"

"A parade? How exciting! What parade?"

"The Pride Parade, Grandma! It was awesome!
You should have been there!"

As they went out the door.

* * *
"I had so much fun swimming at Grandma's house,"
My daughter said
As my mother came to sit beside me on the couch
When they came in the door.

"I certainly hope her picture is *not* in the paper!"
My mother exclaimed.

"Why ever not?" I asked, all innocence.

"In the paper, beside the parade, was a story
About a police officer who was arrested for DUI,
And now he might lose his job.
The community sets higher standards
For police officers and teachers and such."

"But I wasn't arrested for DUI.
Michelle and I marched with our children
In the Pride Parade.
There's a lot of support for it, actually,
And it was very positive."

"But I teach in the public school system!
They wouldn't approve
If they saw my granddaughter in that.
I'm sure they would fire me!"

"Are you familiar with MAGY,
Memphis Area Gay Youth,
That enjoys the support of that same
Public school system?
And did you know that we have
Open, out, gay and lesbian teachers here?"

"Of course, and we have two gay teachers at my school.
But they're discrete about it."

(Michelle would ask me later,
"What did she mean by 'discrete?'
That they're not having sex in the hallway?
Come on, if your mother knows they're gay,
They're allllll the way out!"
And she was right.)

"Mother, we're out, and comfortable,
And Danica is very proud
Of helping to carry the flag, in the very front,
And I'd be thrilled if they ran that picture."

"But don't you understand?
That police officer, with the DUI,
Might be fired!
It's the exact same thing!"

"A police officer who endangers people
In violation of the law
Is shameful.
Danica marching with us in the parade,
Is simply not."

"I just hope they don't run that picture."

*sigh* "Well, the reporter listed everyone
With Michelle's last name,
Which you won't admit to your friends
We're using now.
So no one's likely to put you on the spot,
Even if they do see the picture."

"Oh, good! Then if they run it, and anyone sees,
I can just tell them it's not her,
Has nothing to do with me,
Never saw the child."

"You could. You could do that.
It's entirely your choice,
And if you choose to deny your granddaughter,
That's your right.
When your friends recognize her face,
And then hear your reply,
They'll understand that you are so ashamed
Of your daughter's partnership with a woman,
That you would lie to hide any connection
To your own granddaughter.
Of course,
You could instead choose to say simply,
'Yes, that's her.'
And they would understand
That respected librarians with doctorates
May have gay or lesbian children,
And that there's nothing at all wrong with that.
They wouldn't hate you for it,
Or take away your job.
But you're right, it's your choice,
And entirely up to you."

"I just don't understand
Why you let them take her picture
In the first place."


Wednesday, July 19, 2000 16:53:31

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