I can handle that

I can handle that

Blushing, giggling, desperately wanting to know but not knowing at all how to pursue this conversation,
And still just a little disconcerted that his mother has just said the word "penis" while talking to him,
My son, burying his face in the couch, exclaims,
"Mama, I'm just not very good at talking about this!"

"Hey, kid, who held your hands while you wobbled on unsteady feet because you weren't very good at walking yet?"
"You did."

"And who listened to you read 'Sam, see me? See me, Sam?" fifty times and loved it with you, when reading was something you weren't very good at yet?"
"You did . . . "

"And who held you up and pushed you on a skateboard around the block when the board was brand-new and you weren't very good at it yet?"
"You did."

I can handle "not very good at this," buddy. So talk.


And talk he did.

And yes, I can handle that.

Monday, July 10, 2000 11:27:03

Return to the Library.
Return to the Front Door.
E-mail me at Weavre@graffiti.net