
Houseblessing of Weavre, Tommy, & Danica's new apartment

November 22, 7:00 p.m.

at Weavre's house

Theme: Nesting


-----MT smudge with sweetgrass and sage


-----Crystal passed among each of us, while standing in a circle and toning "Home"

Sacred Space

-----Invocation of Rhiannon-Weavre


1. Blessing the candles
-----Set up & light white candles around the central crystal, with polished tumbled stones among them.
----------(Weavre, during invocation)
-----Circle energy blessing. In a circle, each of us reaches to center, picks up a candle or does not, then rotates outward, spreading positive energy out through the house.

2. Blessing the home with the candles
-----Candle walk in darkness, leaving spoken gifts in each room with the lit candles.
-----(Leave candles safely in each room.)

3. Defining the kind of home we're creating
--A--Create nests in library, while singing "Make for yourself a Power Spot!"

----------Make for yourself a Power Spot!
----------Get you a spoon and a cooking pot;
----------Bring Air, bring Fire, bring Water, bring Earth,
----------And you a new universe, shall birth!"

---------------(Note: it's "birth," not "burst" at the end of the last line)

--B--"Cuddle in bed." (nests) Talk segue-what have we created?
----------(*Weavre's Note: This idea was Danica's, offered in response to, "What's your favorite thing to do with your family in your house?" We loved it!)


--C--Food and affection:
---------- J and Bee will serve milk, cereal, cider, and cinnamon graham crackers in bed.
----------Weavre will give everyone a tumbled stone from the center of our circle, as a gift and tangible symbol of our ritual for other homes.

Release Sacred Space

-----As above, in reverse order.


-----MT: sweetgrass and sage smudge, South quarter call
-----MR: crystal, East quarter call
-----AH: North quarter call
-----JR: West quarter call
-----MH: Center quarter call
----------Invocation to Rhiannon,
----------food for everyone,
----------tumbled stones,
----------10+ white candles and holders,
----------cinnamon graham crackers

----------nesting materials (blankets, sleeping bags, pillows),
----------small symbols, etc., for nests

Other notes:

-----JS and MR-you'll have a copy of our calendar in your e-mail by tomorrow.

-----JS and Weavre will set up a sweat lodge for anyone who'd like to join us, at Bee's the day before Thanksgiving.
-----Coming soon: a trip to MH's cabin for a slumber party? Maybe over the winter holiday.
-----Yule ritual is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 19, 6:00-7:00 pm. This ritual we plan to be open, with an invitation to parents and others, and to involve a potluck.

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