January 1999 Full Moon / Imbolc Ritual

LunaMystic Groove January Full Moon / Imbolc Ritual
Sunday, January 31, 1999
5:00 p.m. at MH's

THEME: 'Opening The Chakras, Moving Energy, Preparing for Spring'

Individual Purification

-----CB brings large basin of Salt.
-----Everyone else brings a smell (oil, powder or herb-not water based) that is in alignment with their desire for openess/moving energy.

Group Attunement

-----Everyone mix the smells into the Salt with their hands.
----------(Weavre's Note: This was much more powerful than it might first appear-I loved it! Was it really a surprise that our "scents" blended so well that after the ritual CB made and shared magical bath salts of this creation??)
----------Laughing Maiden is a borning, Laughing Maiden is a rising,
----------Laughing Maiden is a flying, Spring will come, Spring will come….

------------------------------(created by Ruth Barrett)

Creating Sacred Space

-----Everyone stand. Designated members will invite a direction with words (plus a physical element if desired).
----------(Weavre's Note: I added the actual physical symbols used in the ritual; the original plan left it open.)
-----After Center invoked, light 8 colored candles (where?)
----------(Weavre's Note: on the altar, as it turned out)


-----Yellow/Solar Plexus-CB
-----Indigo/3rd eye-MH


To Brigid, by Weavre ( After all candles lit, everyone still standing)


1. Guided Meditation:
-----MR leads,
-----everyone seated, spine erect (chair may be more comfortable for some than floor)
-----focused on (but not limited to) 'moving energy through all the chakras', 'cleaning out our energetic bodies', 'moving the lifeforce energy', etc. using suggested visualizations, sounds, smells, & motions.

2. Dedications to the group:
-----everyone stand in loose circle.
-----Those that want to express a formal dedication or rededication step back two steps
-----Everyone else place hands together in center of circle,
-----Dedicants, one at a time, step up, add hands/words/etc. to circle.
-----When everyone joined together, start Dance music.

3. Dancing:
-----free-form, celebration of energy flowing freely within self & among group.
-----AH brings appropriate music ('Don't Ever Stop' by Ubaka Hill)


1. Carry colored candles to dining room table
2. Blessing of food-Chris
3. 'Food & Affection' - the Feast!

Releasing Sacred Space

-----all standing in close circle
-----Re-affirm energy moving freely to person's back on your left, place one hand on their crown chakra & one hand on their root chakra, moving as a group in a circle. ----- progression of hands up the spine until both hands at top, then all raise hands up & out,
-----designated members thank elemental energies.
-----"The Circle is open, but never broken. Merry we meet, merry we part, and merry we'll meet again."


feasting foods/drink
scents for Salt Basin

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E-mail me at Weavre_@hotmail.com.