Here's my list of cool people, aquaintances, friends, classmates, teammates, etc.
Some of these people have a picture somewhere on my site. To get to them, the names are in
blue or red. Sorry if I've left you out!!

Names with a 
+ have multiple pictures on my site
Names with a 
*    can be found in the Pictures from the Past pages...
Amie R
Erin A
Natalie L + +
Jessica M + + +
Rachel H   + + *
Paige A + +
Amy S
Chris C *
Laura B
Summer M *
friend index
Chris S
Jesse C
Brian B
Connor B
Matthew R +
Kate H

Logan S
Shelley D
Tyler R
Erik S +
Cord W
Matt J-R + + + *
Scott H
Chris W + +
Jason W
Christian O
David M
Lauren McC *
Amber A
Olivia J-R + + +
Erin M +
Lauren T
Jeff L
Andy D +
Katie L
Nolan S
Andy B
Dan L
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consider yourself loved