This website is a step of faith for me, this is why:

 In my life recently there has been many problems, I have tried to handle them all myself and stressed to the point that my health was getting bad. My husband is going through so much having a back problem and gone through many surgeries. I finally realized that I can't handle things myself but I have a friend that can. This Friend is called Christ! I realized that giving everything to Him and having faith things would get taken care of. I have come to realise that Christ doesn't mind when I start my prayers with "It's me again, Lord". I also realise that I have a need to be home, having 4 sons and a husband that is ill, I can't work, my family needs me. Jesus has provided a way for me to not only be where I need to be but to be able to supplement the income I am losing not being able to work. He has given me the opportunity to share my faith through this website and with others by being able to make and sell Christian T-shirts. Through this hopefully by someone wearing one of my shirts, it will give the opportunity for someone to witness to others. This is my prayer. In return I have promised the Lord that 10% of sales would go back to the work of the Lord.

 I am offering not only shirts to sell individually, but I am also offering Churches and youth organizations to purchase shirts at a discount to resell as fundraisers for their group. Feel free to browse and see what I currently have available and e-mail me if you are interested in doing a fundraiser for your group! I not only have beautiful designs but I can also make customized shirts with your church/organization name with clipart you chose. (email me for details)

God bless you for taking the time to look around and please say a prayer for me as I step out on faith with this endeavour.

Click here to see what I have currently have available.

You can also place an order from this site!

God Bless!