What If Christ Had Come Down From The Cross?

What if Christ had came down from the cross?

all the teaching, the miracles, the love would be lost.

If he had called on the angels to pull out the nails,

would the all world be condemned to hell?

The prophecies, the hope, the tears that where cried,

would have all become a terrible lie.

No sins could be forgiven, no peace in our hearts,

no healings, no prayers answered, no new life could start.

Hatred, greed, and selfishness would rule,

the example of goodness would be for the fools.

No one to turn to for comfort or love,

for these can’t exist without God from above.

No way to atone for the sins of our life,

even blood of animals would not be enough sacrifice.

If he had prayed only “let this cup pass from me”

and followed man’s will, not God’s, where would we be?

But Jesus did not come down from that cross.

He suffered and died so we would not be lost.

He followed the will from God up above

he died on that cross to show us of love.

The one perfect man, no reason to die,

He ascended to Heaven to prepare a place for you and I.

God loved us so much he gave his only son,

It’s up to us to have faith and accept what was done.

Salvation is a Gift from God for the lost,

Just think how the world would be different

if Christ had came down from cross.

~Lynn Owen~

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