The Filles Du Roi
(The King's Daughters)
The Filles du Roi, or King's Daughters, were the young women who arrived in the small outpost of New France between 1663 and 1673; under the financial sponsorship of King Louis XIV. Many were orphans, recruited from large cities, and most had few other options.  Conditions in these orphanages were often deplorable; so when presented with an opportunity to find a husband and a home, it is not too difficult to empathize.

However, not all were destitute.   A number of those recruited also had money and property of their own, an inheritance from their deceased parents, which would certainly up their potential of making a good match. 

For those without such good fortune, a dowry was provided by the Royal Treasury of roughly fifty pounds; a great deal of money in those days, considering that a labourer would have to work for almost a year to earn that amount.  Therefore, many orphaned girls saw this as an opportunity for adventure, money, marriage, and getting out of their current situation.  In fact, of the 774 Filles Du Roi; 414 were orphans.  Many of the others were simply too poor to be provided with a dowry from their family, while others were endowed financially, but lacking in suitors.

For those who braved the rough crossing of the Atlantic, their first sight of New France was Ville De Quebec, where most disembarked and remained. Shortly after their arrival, they were escorted to a place where they would meet eligible bachelors, and if a suitable husband was found, they would be married soon after and then transported to their new home.  Within a year of  their arrival, most of the girls were married and the dowry promised them from the Royal treasury was received.

Though it was rumoured that the recruits were prostitutes and thieves, only five ever got into trouble with the courts for reasons of adultery, prostitution, or debauchery; and only one executed by the authorities for a serious crime. 
Meet The Filles Du Roi
De Bonin, Nicole
De Brétigny, Marie
Debure, Marie
Déchard, Jeanne
De Charmesnil, Françoise
De Chevrainville, Claude
De Chevrainville, M-Mad
De Coppequesne, Charlotte
De Fontenay, Catherine
De Guesnel, Jeanne
De Lacour, Marie
De Lacroix, Françoise
De Lafitte, Apolline
De Laguéripière, Élisabeth
De Lahaye, Catherine
De Lahaye, Jeanne
De Layaye,

Delahogue, M-Claude
De Lalore, Catherine
De Lamarre, Marie
De La Motte, Diane
De Laplace, Marguerite
De Laporte, M-Anne
De Larue,
Delastre, Adrienne
De La Tour, Catherine
Delaunay, Madeleine
Delestre, Anne
De Licerace, Suzanne
De Limoges, Marie
Delorme, Marguerite
De Lostelneau, Catherine
De Mangeon, Claude
De Matras, Judith
De Mérinne, Jeanne

De Nevelet, Marguerite
Denot, Jeanne
Denoyon, Marie
De Portas, Angélique
De Provinlieu, Marguerite
DeQuain, Anne
De Roybon D'Alonne, Mad
Deschalets, Claude
Deschalets, Élisabeth
Deschalets, Madeleine
Deschamps, Anne
Deschamps, Marie
Deschamps, Marie (2)
Deschamps, Marie (3)
Deschamps, Madeleine
Desenne, Catherine

Desfossés, Françoise
Desgranges, Louise
Deshayes, Marguerite
Deshayes, Marie
Desjardins, Françoise
Desmarais, Catherine
Desmarais, Étiennette
Desportes, Françoise
Després, Madeleine
D'Esquincourt, Anne
Destouches, Agnes  
De Valois, Catherine
Devault, Marie
Dodier, Jeanne
Dodin, Anne

Doigt, Ambroise
Dorange, Barbe
Doriant, Simone
Doribeau, Catherine
Doucinet, Élisabeth
Drouet, Catherine
Dubicourt, Jeanne
Dubié, Françoise
Dubois, Marie
Dubreuil, Isabelle
Ducharme, Catherine
Duchemin, Marie-Anne
Duchesne, Barbe
Ducorps, Jeanne
Ducoudray, Marie
Dufaye, Françoise
Dufiguier, Hélène

Dufossé, Jeanne
Dufresne, Jeanne
Dumont, Julienne
Dumont, Barbe
Dumontier, Antoinette
Dumortier, Madeleine
Dupré, Françoise
Dupuis, Catherine
Durand, Catherine
Durand, Élisabeth
Durand, Françoise
Durand, Suzanne
Durosaire, Espérance
Dusauçay, M-Anne
Dusson, Marguerite
Duval, Françoise
Duval, Madeleine
Duval, Michelle
Éloy, Antoinette
Éloy, Marguerite
Enfre, Françoise
Évin, Marguerite
Faucheux, Jeanne
Faucon, Marie
Fauconnier, Jeanne
Faure, Louise
Fauvault, Jeanne
Fauvreau, Françoise
Fayet, Anne
Ferré, Catherine
Ferron, Marguerite
Fièvre, Catherine
Firman, M-Anne
Flamand, Nicole
Fléchet, Anne
Fleure, Marie-Anne
Fleureau, Marie
Foubert, Anne
Fouquet, Marie
Fourrier, Catherine
Fourrier, Jeanne
Foy, Marguerite
Fressel, Isabelle
Fressel, Jeanne
Fro, Louise
Gaillard Marie
Gaillard, Marguerite
Galet, Anne
Galet, Anne
Galien, Thérèse
Gambier, Marguerite
Gargottin, Louise
Gateau, Catherine
Gaumond, Madeleine
Gauthier, Marie
Gauthier, Jeanne
Gendreau, Anne
Genest, Léonarde
Geoffroy, Anne
Geoffroy, M-Marthe
Gilles, Jeanne
Girard, Anne
Girard, Marguerite
Girard, Marie
Giraud, Anne
Goard, Mathurine
Gobert, Madeleine
Godeby, Anne
Godequin, Jeanne
Godillon, Élisabeth
Goiset, Anne
Gossard, Noëlle
Goubilleau, Françoise
Grandin, Jeanne
Grandin, Marie
Grandin, Marie (2)
Grandjean, Adrienne
Grangeon, Madeleine
Granger, Catherine
Graton, Mathurine
Gravois, Marie
Grimbault, Anne
Groisard, Jeanne
Groleau, Madeleine
Grossejambe, Françoise
Gruaux, Jeanne
Grusseau, Marie
Guédon, M-Anne
Gueneville, Jeanne
Guérard, Catherine
Guérin, Madeleine
Guérin, Jeanne
Guerrier, Bonne
Guichelin, Catherine
Guillaume, Anne
Guillaume, Marie
Guilleboeuf, Madeleine
Guillin, Françoise
Guillodeau, Madeleine
Guyard, Catherine
Guyet, Marie
Halay, Marie
Halay, Marie (2)
Halier, Perrette
Haneton, Madeleine
Hardy, Jeanne
Hatanville, Marie
Hébert, Françoise
Hébert, Madeleine
Hédouin, Marguerite
Héron, Jacqueline
Hiardin, Marguerite
Housseau, Marguerite
Hubert, Elisabeth
Hubert, Marie
Hubinet, Louise
Huché, Françoise
Hué, Marie
Humelot, Catherine
Hutru, Perrine
Isambert, Catherine
Itas, Marguerite

Jacquier, Louise
Jalais, Marie
Jasselin, Marguerite
Javelot, Anne
Jodon, Marie
Jolivet, Charlotte
Joly, Charlotte
Jossard, Elisabeth
Jourdain, Marguerite
Juin, Jeanne
Julien, Anne
Labastille, Renée
Labbé, Anne
Labbé, Jacqueline
Labbé, Jeanne
Lacroix, Suzanne
Lafaye, Marie
Lafleur, Joachine
Lafontaine, Marie-Anne
Lagou, Anne
Laîné, Anne
Laîné, Catherine
Laîné, Geneviève
Lamarche, Charlotte
Lamarre, Anne
Lambert, Jeanne
Lamirault, Marguerite
Lamoureux, Antoinette
Lamy, Marie
Landry, Louise
Lanfillé, Marie
Lange, Françoise
Langlois, Anne
Langlois, Jacqueline
Langlois, Marie
Langlois, Marie (2) 
Languille, Jeanne
Lapierre, Perrine
Larcher, Madeleine
Larchevêque, Françoise
Larteau, Marie
Lasnon, Marie
Latier, Françoise
Latouche, Marguerite
Laurence, Geneviève
Laurent, Catherine
Lauvergnat, Jacqueline
Laval, Claude
Laverdure, Marguerite
Leblanc, Anne
Lebon Champfleury, Marie
Lebrun, Marie
Leclerc, Anne
Leclerc, Denise
Leclerc, Françoise
Leclerc, Geneviève
Leclerc, Marguerite
Lecomte, Jeanne
Lecomte, Marguerite
Lecomte, Marie
Lecomte, Suzanne
Leconte, Élisabeth
Lecoq, Jeanne
Lecoutre, Louise
Ledoux, Jacquette
Lefebvre, Antoinette
Lefebvre, Élizabeth-Agnès
Lefebvre, Marie
Lefebvre, Marie
Lefebvre, Marie (2)
Lefebvre, Marie
Lefebvre, Barbe
Lefrançois, Françoise
Legendre, Jeanne
Legrand, Antoinette
Legrand, Nicolle
Leguay, Madeleine
Leguay, Madeleine (2)          Lelong, Marie
Lelong, Marie-Anne
Leloup, Catherine
Lemaire, Anne
Lemaire, Marie
Lemaître, Anne
Lemaître, Gabrielle
Lemerle Marguerite
Lemesle, Catherine
Lemoine, Françoise
Lemoine, Marie
Lenoir, Antoinette
Léonard, Marie
Lepage, Constance
Lepage, Marie-Rogère
Leper, Anne
Lépine, Andrée
Lépine, Anne
Lépine, Marie
Lequin, Élizabeth
Leroux, Catherine
Leroux, Marguerite
Leroux, Marie
Lesaint, Marie
Lesdiller, Michelle
Lespérance, Marie
Levaigneur, Marguerite
Levasseur, Jeanne
Levieux, Claire
Liardin, Marie
Linière, Jeanne
Loiseau, Anne
Loiseau, Françoise
Loret, Étiennette
Loriot, Perrette
Louvet, Catherine
Lucos, Catherine
Mabille, Anne
Magdelain, Jeanne
Magnan, Anne
Magnier, Marie
Major, Marie
Malo, Marie
Mansion, Jeanne
Marchand, Catherine
Marchand, Elisabeth
Marchessault, Marie
Maréchal, Madeleine
Maréchal, Marguerite
Marié, Denise
Marié, Jeanne
Martin, Marie
Martin, Marie
Martin, Reine
Masseron, Marie
Masson, Anne
Menacier, Louise
Ménard, Barbe
Mercier, Anne
Merlin, Agathe
Méry, Anne
Mesuré, Marie
Métru, Marie-Anne
Meunier, Antoinette
Meunier, Marie
Meunier, Marie (2)
Meunier, Marie (3) 
Michaud, Louise
Michel, Anne
Michel, Françoise
Michel, Jacquette
Michel, Marie
Mignault, Catherine
Mignolet, Gillette
Millot, Françoise
Moisan, Françoise
Moitié, Catherine
Moitié, Marguerite
Moitié, Marie
Montminy, Marie
Monvoisin, Françoise
Moreau, Marguerite
Moreau, Françoise
Morin, Charlotte
Morin, Marie
Morin, Marie (2)
Morin, Marie (3)
Mouillard, Éléonore 
Moutrachy, Marguerite
Mullois, Marie
Navaron, Marie
Navarre, Marguerite
Niel, Madeleine
Normand, Catherine
Normand, Madeleine
Olivier, Agnès
Olivier, Madeleine
Olivier, Jeanne
Ollery, Anne
Ouache, Madeleine
Ouinville, Michelle
Abraham, Marguerite
Adam, Anne
Agathe, Marie-Anne
Albert, Marie
Allence, Marie
Amiot, Jeanne
Ancelin, Francoise
Andre, Louise
Andrieu, Marguerite
Angelier, Marie
Anthoine, Denise
Arcular, Marie
Ardion, Marguerite
Arinart, Anne
Ariot, Marie
Asserin, Fleurance
Aubé, Françoise
Aubert, Élisabeth
Aubert, Jeanne

Aubineau, Suzanne
Aubry, Anne
Aubry, Françoise
Aubry, Jacqueline
Auger, Catherine
Auger, Jeanne
Aupé, Isabelle
Auvray, Madeleine
Bagau, Antoinette
Bailly, Madeleine
Baiselat, Françoise
Bamont, Marie-Anne
Banse, Françoise
Barbant, Marie
Barbereau, Jeanne

Barbery, Françoise
Barbier, Jeanne
Bardet, Anne
Bardou, Marie
Baril, Marie
Barillet, Anne
Baron, Barbe
Barré, Catherine
Barré, Catherine (Roy)
Barton, Françoise-Marthe
Basset, Catherine
Baugé, Anne
Beaudin, Catherine
Beaudon, Étiennette
Beaugrand, Marie
Beaujean, Marie-Jeanne
Beauregard, Marthe
Beauveau, Jeanne

Bellehache, Marie
Bellesoeur, Anne
Bénard, Jeanne
Benoît, Marie
Béraud, Anne, dit Dubreuil
Bercier, Louise
Berger, Marguerite
Bernard, Jeanne
Berrin, Marguerite
Bertault, Anne
Bertin, Marie
Besche, Marie
Beuzelin, Catherine
Billot, Catherine
Billot, Geneviève
Billot, Lucrèce
Bilodeau, Jeanne
Binaudière, Marguerite
Birard, Marie

Biret, Renée
Blain, Marie-Anne
Blainvillain, Anne
Blais, Élisabeth
Blaise, Marguerite
Blanchard, Marie
Blondeau, Jeanne
Bluteau, Antoinette
Boileau, Marie
Boivin, Françoise
Bolper, Marie-Louise
Bonheur, Marie
Bonneau, Hélène
Bonnefoy, Marguerite
Bouart, Marie
Boucault, Jeanne
Bouchard, Jeanne
Bouchard, Louise
Boucher, Madeleine

Bouet, Marie
Bouillon, Marie
Bourgeois, Catherine
Bourgeois, Françoise
Bourgeois, Jeanne
Bourgeois, Marie
Boutard, Marie
Boutet, Marie-Madeleine
Boyer, Barbe
Braconnier, Jeanne
Brandon, Anne
Bremaille, Marie
Brière, Marie
Briset, Marie
Bruneau, Catherine
Brunet, Anne
Brunet, Françoise

Bulté, Marguerite
Buot, Marie
Bureau, Catherine
Burel, Jeanne
Caillaud, Andrée
Caillé, Jeanne
Caillé, Marie
Caillé, Marie-Jeanne
Calais, Hélène
Campion, Marie
Canard, Marie-Madeleine
Carbonnet, Madeleine
Carcireux, Sylvine
Cardillon, Marguerite
Carlier, Marie
Cartignier, Marie
Cartois, Henriette
Chabert Charière,  Marg.

Chamois, Marie-Claude
Chancy, Marie
Chandoiseau, Nicole
Chanfrain, Renée
Chanvreux, Renée
Charbonnier, Marie-Mad
Charebert, Marie
Charlier, Michelle
Charpentier, Marguerite
Charpentier, Marguerite (2)
Charpentier, Marie
Charpentier, Marie-Reine
Charrier, Louise
Charrier, Marie
Charron, Françoise
Charron, Marie
Chartier, Jeanne
Chartier, Jeanne (2)
Charton, Jeanne
Chaton, Marie

Chauvet, Marie
Chemereau, Marguerite
Cherfault, Denise
Chevalier, Françoise
Chevalier, Jeanne
Chevalier, Suzanne
Chevreau, Marie
Chiasson, Louise
Chrétien, Madeleine
Chrétien, Marie
Clérice, Catherine
Coignard, Marie
Coipel, Marie
Coirier, Perrine
Colin, Anne
Colin, Denise
Colin, Marie-Rose
Collet, Jeanne

Collet, Marguerite
Compagnon, Antoinette
Conflans, Françoise
Cottin, Marie-Catherine
Couet, Marie
Cousin, Françoise
Couture, Anne
Couturier, Isabelle
Coy, Charlotte
Crépin, Marie
Cretel, Élisabeth
Croiset, Marie
Crosnier, Jeanne
Crosnier, Martine
Curé, Françoise
Dailly, Anne
Dain, Marie
Dallon, Marie
Damané, Denise
Damisé, Claude
Damois, Marie
Damours, Hélène
Dannessé, Esther
Danneville, Gabrielle
Daubigny, Marguerite
De Baillon, Catherine
De Beauregard, Marie
De Belleau, Catherine
De Bérunine, Marie
De Bidequin, Marie-Mad
De Boisandré, Catherine
De Boisandré, Jeanne
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