   The thing that I enjoyed most about CAI was Ms.Gravel. She was the best teacher that I had all year and I really enjoyed her teaching. She had a great attitude towards everything this year and she was one of the coolest person that I have ever met. But with greatness there always has to be a downfall, and that brings me into my dislike of CAI English. I didn't really like reading because that isn't really my thing. I only read books that look intresting to me and the books that we read this year didn't fit my standards, so that is why I say the reading section of this class wasn't the greatest. The one thing that I would add to this class would be... well nothing really, there isn't much that I would change because I thought that all the assignments weren't so bad. I think that there would be a little thing that I would add, and that just might be something involving computers because computers are great and everyone should know how to use them just fine and dandy.
Class Evaluation