My future is uncertain, computers are taking

over now, so I will not allow them to dominate, however I hope to
eradicate all things that discriminate and that are full of hate.

The internet is a wonderful place, however we cannot depend on
them for a place in our world. Cars are mobile, and sometimes

cool to look at and drive, however eventually we can maybe

even fly in hyper drive, do a dive in our new rides, or we can

have holographic TVs with hyperactive games, I say our world is

full of horrible things. We have most likely tried to catch those

guys, who tell lies, and have ugly eyes, full of hate. So I say our

future is up to us, and is also unfortunately full of distrust.

However our world will be full of families who will have many

times of joy with all the new toys,with electronic bikes, or even

just fly kites. I think that my and our future will be full of robots,

computers, or we might even live on Jupiter. However I will

deliver a request that our world will be full of peace, with

everyone, even the Middle   East.