One year Goals                                        Randy Jasper hr2

1. My first goal is to get my driver’s license. It is important to reach my goal because it means I can go anywhere I want to! So far to reach my goal, I have taken segment one, and am taking segment two on July 7th and I have driven 20 hours. If I do not reach this goal I will walk more, and I will suck.

2. My second goal is to get better grades (I already have really good grades, just raise my GPA from 3.53 higher). It is important to me so I can get into a pretty good college, and make more money later on in life. Right now I try my hardest in school: so if I do not raise my grades I hope to at least maintain the GPA I currently have.

3. My last one year goal is to get a car. It is important to get a car, because it means you have freedom. Right now I’m saving up, and looking for a better job. And if I do not reach that goal, I will borrow my grandma’s car a lot.

Five Year Goals

1. My first five year goal is to be a junior in college. It is important to me because I want a good job someday (and if I do not go my grandparents would kill me). Right now I am trying my hardest to get a good GPA, so I can go to the college of my choice. If I do not go to college I hope my reason for not going is a good one.

2. My second five year goal is to get a house. It is important to me because I will own something of my own. Right now I already have loads of money coming to me from Roadway Trucking Company; and my grandparents told me it is more than enough to get a house, car and go to college! If I do not accomplish this goal, I hope to at least live in an apartment.

3. My last five year goal is to have a pool. The reason for wanting one so much is I like to swim, and my grandparents had a pool before, and do not want another one. Right now I am really not planning/saving, a pool is a result of owning a house, so I can get one after I get a house.

Fifth-teen Year Goals

1. My first fifth-teen year goal is to get married. I would like to get married eventually, because love is important. Right now I am only fifth-teen, I do not have to worry about this for awhile; I am just supposed to have fun. If I do not get married in fifth-teen years, than six-teen is okay.

2. My second goal is to have kids, one is enough but two are better. I have always wanted kids. I am not yet planning to have kids this early! If I cannot have kids I will try other means.

3. My last goal is to have a motorcycle. I have always liked them, and would like to own one. Right now I am saving up for a car, but later on I will save up for a motorcycle. If I do not get a motorcycle in fifth-teen years, I will try in fifty (hope fully I will be retired in 2049).
That's the POOL I want!