      What is freedom? Freedom is the ability to do whatever you want, just as long as it dose not affect anybody else’s freedom in a destructive or harmful way. It is the ability to think, act, and worship on your own without anybody dictating and making it impossible. I am going to relate freedom to Fahrenheit 451, Lord of the Flies, and the world of today.
Freedom in Fahrenheit 451 is taken away from the people. It dose not have a meaning any more. Everyone has to do as they are told or they get in big trouble. They do not have the freedom to read any more, they don’t have the freedom to think on their own and if they do start thinking to much they get confused, so they take pills and watch 3 screen TV’s with shows all about killing. Once someone tries to stand up to the system they are taken out, like Montag almost was. They are in much lack of freedom.
        In Lord of the Flies the young kids are given way too much freedom. They have some much of it that they become cocky and try to rule over one another. They think that if there are no adults they will not have any shape or form of government, but not one human can live without a set of rules and that is visible in Jack. He is given too much freedom and when the rules are set Jack, being the same age and size in mentality as Ralph, the leader, challenges the rules and finding out he can break them leaves and takes almost everyone with him. Also we can see that when children are given so much freedom as in Lord of the Flies, they go crazy because of the ability to do anything, even if it does inflict on someone else’s freedom in harmful ways.
       Now in our world today, freedom is different from region to region. For example in America there is a sufficient amount off freedom, but once that freedom was given, there is no taking it back and no trying to touch or interfere with it or the people of America are going to revolt and protest. On the other hand, in a place like Iraq or Middle East the people not given as much freedom as in Lord of the flies or America, they probably can refer to Fahrenheit 451 pretty well. They can not practice their own religion or speak their mind or they will have to face the consequences, which is usually death. They don’t have all there rights that are in America and their voices are not heard by the supreme leaders of their country.
           In conclusion I just want to say that I think it is very sad and disturbing to see a human raise itself up above another human or a race above another race. On the inside we are all alike and most of us want the same freedom, but that has always been mans goal, to rule over other man and to stand up when every one else is bowing down. That’s why there are so many wars and disputes in our world today. Why can not everyone just treat everyone else equal and with the same respect as they would want to be treated?