1 year goal

??My 1st goal is to start on all varsity sports. This is important to me because I want to be looked at by colleges. I have to work hard and finish. If I don’t achieve this goal I hope I will have an education to support me.

???My 2nd goal is to get an automobile to drive. This is important to me because I will be able to go places by myself. I just opened a bank account and to put 75% of my pay check in the account. If I don’t achieve this goal I will cry.

??My 3rd goal is to raise my GPA. This is important to me because I want to go to college. To achieve this goal I have to work hard and study hard. If I don’t achieve this goal I will work at McDonalds my whole life.

5 year goals

??My 1st goal is to graduate. This is important to me so I can have a good life. To achieve this goal I have to work hard in college. If I don’t achieve this goal I will be a bum.
? My 2nd goal is to get a job. This is important to me so that I can live my life well. To achieve this goal I going to have to go to college. If I don’t achieve this goal I will live on the streets.
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