1) The plane that the boys were riding home on crashed on an island.  The boys don’t all know each other.  They spend their first moments on this island exploring.

2) Ralph finds a conch on the ground and blows in to it.  This makes the other boys come to him and thus the first meeting is gathered.  Ralph is decided to be the leader of the island and Jack is the leader of the hunters.

3)  Jack and his followers go out hunting.

4)  The hunters find a pig but don’t kill it.

5)  Ralph and his followers build a fire using wood and Piggy’s glasses.

6)  The fire burned down part of the island.

7) They began to build shelters.  Piggy stopped working after a few shelters.

8) The boys were called to a meeting.

9) Piggy’s glasses are broken in a fight between the hunters and the others.

10)   The tribe has a feast.  They finally killed a pig and wanted to celebrate.

11)   The boys have another meeting.

12)   The boys decide to break up into two groups.  Ralph’s tribe consisting of himself   Piggy and the young’uns, Jack’s tribe consisting of the rest.

13)   The other tribe takes Piggy’s glasses.  Ralph’s tribe decides to go and get them back and when they get there they kill Piggy and crush the conch.

14) The savages attack Ralph.  He runs away.  Ralph finds a hiding spot and stays there.  The savages try to smoke him out.

15) Ralph while running runs into an officer.  He was signaled by the smoke from the fire.
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