Self Evaluation

I truly believe that I didn’t have an assignment better then others in this class. All the assignments we did in Ms. Gravel’s class were fun and exciting. We did a lot of assignments on the computer and I’m not that good at the computer. I learned a lot and had a lot of fun too. One thing that I enjoyed doing was the Power Point Presentation. I really liked the way I did mine but my computer deleted the whole thing and I was almost done. I was so happy that I got it done and when I wanted to add something else. It deleted, I was so mad I thought I was about to cry. Thank God Ms. Gravel understood. She excused the assignment. I still had to do one after but it wasn’t long and I didn’t finish it either. After all I didn’t think any assignments I did were better then others but then again I liked my Power Point Presentation even though nobody saw my presentation.
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