Strong Women in the Past and Present
As you look through history, there are strong women.  All of the women were strong for different reasons.  In Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, Portia, Brutus’s wife, was considered powerful in her time.  But these standards have changed.  An example of a modern day potent woman is Erin Brockovich-Ellis.  She is powerful because she stood her ground and fought for the health and well-being of others because she knew it was right.  Both of these women were considered powerful in their time, because of what they believed, and because they did something about their beliefs.
   In Julius Caesar, Portia wanted to show her devotion to her husband.  In order to do so, she decided the best way would be to kill herself.  Brutus was very heart-broken that she had done this because he loved her.  “I’m sick with grief,” Brutus said, as he mourned over the loss of his wife.  (IV.iii.10)
   Portia killed herself to portray her undying love for Brutus, and that she would do anything for him.  Brutus did, in fact, realize the reason she killed herself, so, to Portia, it would have been worth it.  In Shakespeare’s time, a woman committing suicide was a very courageous move that took strength of character.
   Erin Brockovich-Ellis is a strong woman according to today’s standards.  While working as a file clerk for The Law Offices of Masry & Vivitoe, Erin came across a real estate case with medical records in it, which seemed interesting to her.  After gaining permission from Ed Masry, she began to take a deeper look into the case.  “Erin’s solo investigation eventually established that the health of countless people who lived in and around Hinkley, California in the 1960’s, 70’s and 80’s had been devastated by exposure to Chromium 6.” (Masry & Vivitoe 6)  After a good fight, Erin and Ed Masry lead the lawsuit against PG&E, the company who let Chromium 6 leak into the groundwater, and proved that by doing so, PG&E had been harming hundreds of people.  PG&E was forced to pay an amount around $333 million to more than 600 Hinkley residents. (Masry & Vivitoe 6)
   If exposed to Chromium 6, you can have many symptoms from a runny nose, to cancer eventually leading to death, depending on the amount you were exposed to.  The World Health Organization dubbed Chromium 6 as a human carcinogen.  (ToxFAQs for Chromium 11)  PG&E had been letting Chromium 6 leak into groundwater.  To cover it up, they paid for Hinkley’s resident’s doctors.  Although Erin helped hundreds of people to get the money they deserved, she helped herself in the process.  “The challenge allowed Erin to realize her purpose in life: helping others.” (Harpo Productions 4)  Erin was quoted to have said, “I am proud of myself now.  Of who I am on the inside, and I’ve never been able to say that.” (Harpo Productions 1)  “Erin’s story confirms that one person CAN make a difference, and that --- in the most unlikely circumstances, you CAN find your spirit.” (Harpo Productions 5)
   In conclusion, both of these women were powerful, according to their time.  They both fought for what they believed in, and proved points by fighting.  Although the standards of “Powerful Women” have changed, both Portia and Erin Brockovich-Ellis independently achieved success, and in the process, had huge effects on people’s lives.  Both women were courageous, and deserve the credit they obtained.
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