Lord of the Flies Review (# 10-17)
10. Meanwhile, Simon had gathered the courage to examine the “beast.”  He discovers the truth; that the “beast” is really just a dead parachutist.  But, during one of Jack’s tribe’s dances, Simon emerges from the woods to tell everyone the news.  Jack’s tribe gets scared, and thinks that Simon is the “beast.”  As a result, they do a “dance” and kill Simon.
11. The next morning, Ralph tries to talk to piggy about what they have done.  Ralph realizes that they killed Simon.  Everyone else will not face the facts.  Piggy decides in his mind that it was Simon’s fault and he shouldn’t have scared them like that.  Ralph is the only one who accepts the truth, and it disturbs him.
12. During the next night, Ralph’s tribe (which includes Ralph, Piggy, samneric, and the littluns) is sound asleep.  All of the sudden, they wake up to a commotion.  Sam and Ralph fight, both thinking they are fighting someone from the other tribe.  After the savages leave, Ralph’s tribe realizes that they have stolen Piggy’s glasses, which was their only way of producing fire.
13. As a result of Piggy’s glasses being stolen, Ralph decides to go to Jack and try to reason with him.  Jack will not cooperate and as him and Ralph are fighting, Roger releases a boulder which rolls into Piggy, sending him crashing down a cliff into rocks, killing him.  After that things went out of control, and Jack captured samneric and forced them to join his tribe.
14. During the night, Ralph notices that samneric have been appointed to watch for intruders trying to get into jack’s tribe.  He sneaks up there and talks to them for a brief moment.  They tell him that the next day, jack and his tribe plan to search the whole island until they find Ralph, and kill him.
15. Since Ralph is the only one left in his tribe besides the littluns, Jack wants to capture and kill him.  So, all throughout the night, after talking to samneric, Ralph finds a place to hide near Castle Rock, thinking that Jack would not guess that he would hide that close to his tribe.
16. After a long day of running from Jack’s tribe, Ralph falls to his feet on the beach.  When he looks up, he sees unfamiliar feet.  He looks at the man standing in front of him, and realizes that he is an officer, and that they have been rescued.
17. After being rescued, Ralph has time to think about everything that has happened on the island.  He realizes how many people have died, and how most of the people have turned into savages.  As a result, he begins to cry.
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