Streng geheim !!!



Unseres Lieblingsthema

with apologies to private eye

2 November 2002- "The trouble with working at Norwich School", Croston writes "is that everything generates controversy. We are a rancorous people..." Especially with obstreperous Upper 6 sets ? Yes, he is writing about his brand new plan to establish a fix und fertig routine for giving in work on time.

9 November: - Croston's German lesson begins on an ominous note: "Another Great German disaster may be in the offing...". But it turns out that he is referring to Gaudoin's illegible script ... He also takes the opportunity to take another swipe at Fowler, whose attitude to the problems of Switzerland in World War II was "dazed, Frenchified and confused" and at Weller where it is 'Im Westen nichts Neues' when writing about the DDR.

10 November : - Even handed as ever, Croston gives them all another smack around the chops. "I wished them well when they started and still do, but I must be the candid friend and warn them to take care. Certain admit to having no cultural interests and passion. Well fine, we've all got to start somewhere but does it have to be with Frühlings Erwachen when we could all have another slice of cake ....."





Nach der Facharbeit

Herr Crostons Lieblingsklasse



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