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To begin with, if you have yet to encounter the extremely gorgeous pointy-eared young man in the banner (SILENCE, you - I bet you have crushes on ficitonal characters, too), his name is Link (hence the bad pun), and he’s from the Legend of Zelda series, which are pretty much the coolest video games of all time. No joke. And Link is pretty much the awesomest person of all time, besides Tierfal and William Shakespeare. But seriously. He’s amazing.

So anyway, now that I’m done revealing what an utter geek I am (though it doesn’t stop there; I also memorize poetry and own an Elvish dictionary and make Star Trek references in class), and you trust my taste, I’ll give you some links for when you’re bored.

About the Author - *lights campfire, passes out hot chocolate, and prepares to tell life story*

Ye Olde Page O’ Funne - Tierfal’s website, if I for some reason don’t have enough information on her here (she has her own entire page on this site) and you feel like stalking her. Which would probably freak her out, so please don’t.

Secrets@Sea - If you’re bored, this game’s pretty fun. Ignore the part where it says it’s for nine- to twelve-year-olds. Also ignore what that demonstrates about my mental age.

RhymeZone - Type in a word, it’ll list words that rhyme with it by number of syllables.

Mary Sue Litmus Test - If you write any kind of fiction, I encourage you to put your main charater through this test - especially if she’s a girl. It isn’t a perfect indicator, but it can give you a good general idea of what you might want to fix if you have a maybe Mary Sue.

Gameboy Music - Considering that I’ve just demonstrated my utter geekiness, this seemed like an appropriate link to provide from my Bookmarks menu.

Metamorfic Moon - This is the LiveJournal community I wrote two of my fanfictions for.

They’re Taking the Hobbits to Isengard - A must-watch YouTube video.