Michigan Microwave Page

Frequency (Mhz) Call Location Grid  Other Information
50.062 K8JA Sterling Heights, MI EN82jh Omni
(off the air? )
N8PUM Felch, MI EN65bx 10 Watts Omni @ 100 ft. 
(reported off the air 6/22/06)
50.068 W8GTX   EN82  
50.071 WB9STR   EM61  
50.073 K8PLF Ohio EN81  
144.053 W0VB  Rochester, MN EN34 100 Watts
144.275 KA9QFK Reedsburg, WI  EN43 A1A Yagi Horz
(off the air?)
N8PUM Felch, MI EN65bx 10 Watts Omni @ 100 ft.
(reported off the air 6/22/06)
144.280 VA3TBX Thunder Bay, ON EN58ij  2 x 14 
144.280 N4MW New Kent, VA FM17kn 30 Watts M2 Sqloop ant 70 feet
(still on the air?)
W8VHF  Scottville, MI EN64we 3 Element - SE
anybody know if this is still on the air?
(off the air?)
K0HTF Des Moines, IA EN31dx A1A Inv V 1 Watt
(reported off the air 6/22/06)
(off the air?)
K9VHF   EN53rm  5 Watts at 1170 ASL 
(reported off the air 6/22/06)
(off the air?)
K0HTF Des Moines, IA EN31dx Ground Plane - Omni
(reported off the air 6/22/06)
(off the air?)
N8PUM Felch, MI EN65bx 1 Watt Omni @ 100 ft.
(reported off the air 6/22/06)
222.058 W8VO Warren, MI EN82 3 watts output  to a omni directional 
squalo ant. at 85ft
432.075 W0UC Eau Clair, WI EN44hr Beam Horz 4 Watts
432.300 W2UHI Grand Haven, MI EN63vb A1A Omni Horz 10 Watts
432.310 NE8I Beverly Hills, MI EN82jm  
(off the air?)
K0HTF Des Moines, IA EN31dx JPole - Omni
(reported off the air 6/22/06)
902.990 KA8EDE Beaver Creek, OH   19 Ele Loop Yagi - Varies
903.070 W8VO Sterling Heights, MI EN82 500mW, 3 el yagi
903.083 N3XC Pennsburg, PA  FN20 Omni Horz 4 Watts 
903.090 K3SIW/9 Elgin, IL EN52xb CRef Horz 30 Watts
903.837 WB0QIY Lincoln, NE EN10 A1A .1 Watts
1296.055 W9YH  Urbana, IL EN50 15 El. Loop Yagi - N 10 Watts
1296.070 K3SIW/9 Elgin, IL EN52xb Beam Horz 20 Watts
1296.300 WW8M Grass Lake, MI EN72xf 2W ERP short LP aimed north of east
1296.300 K8EB MI EN73  
1296.303 NE8I Beverly HIlls, MI EN82jm Omni at 32ft., 1 Watt
1296.318 K2YAZ Glen Lake, MI EN74av 1W, 3 el. yagi pointing south
1296.330 W8VO Sterling Heights, MI EN82 1W, 3 el. yagi
2304.020 K3SIW/9 Elgin, IL EN52xb Feedhorn - West 10 Watts
2304.175 W9ZIH Malta, IL  EN51nl Feedhorn - East 5 Watts
2304.300 WW8M Grass Lake, MI EN72xf 1W into 5 el yagi aimed north of east
2304.310 K8EB MI EN73  
2304.305 NE8I Beverly Hills, MI EN82jm 1W, 21 el. loop yagi pointed west
3456.020 K3SIW/9 Elgin, IL EN52xb Feedhorn - West 0.5 Watts
3456.300 WW8M Grass Lake, MI EN72xf 150 mW into short LP aimed north of east
5759.950 W9ZIH  Mt Morris, IL EN51 FH Horz 10 Watts
5759.950 K3SIW/9 Elgin, IL EN52xb FH Horz 5 Watts
5760.300 WW8M Grass Lake, MI EN72xf 100 mW into 2 ft dish aimed north of east
5760.300 K8EB MI EN73  
10367.985 W9ZIH IL EN52xq aimed west-southwest
10368.045 K3SIW/9 Elgin, IL EN52xb 6 Meter Dish - West 
10368.054 W2UHI Grand Haven, MI  EN63vb 800mW, dish pointed at Detroit
10368.300 WW8M Grass Lake, MI EN72xf 160 mW into 2 ft dish aimed north of east
10368.305 NE8I Beverly Hills, MI EN82jm F1 CW, 160mW, 2 foot dish pointed at Chicago
10368.310 K2YAZ Glen Lake, MI EN74av 200mW into small horn pointed south
10368.582 N4MW New Kent, VA FM17kn 3 watts 24 slot waveguide @ 70 feet
24192.300 WW8M Grass Lake, MI EN72xf 180 mW into 2 ft dish aimed north of east


Output Frequency (Mhz) P.L. tone (Hz) Call Location Other Information
927.2625   N8WKM Grand Rapids 902.2625MHz input
927.5125 131.8 N8NM Davisburg 902.5125MHz input
927.5125 131.8 W8SGR Traverse City 902.5125MHz input
927.5250 131.8 N8OBU Dansville 902.5250MHz input
1253.250   N8UDK Clawson, MI ATV, is on the air, input 439.25MHz
1253.250  100.0 KC8KGZ  Flint ATV, dual inputs on 439.25MHz and 1277.25MHz
1282.000   W8YKS Berrien Springs ?
1282.050    K8OCL Howell  ?, could not hit from I-96 5/13/04
1282.400 100.0 N8UDK Clawson is on the air, same site as 1253.25 ATV repeater.
1284.050   KA8RAD  Detroit is on the air
1285.000 131.8 but is not in PL mode most of the time WJ8E Toledo, OH Is still on the air with 7 regular users, per WJ8E, August, 2006.
1286.500   WD8EEQ Jackson is on the air
2410.000   W8YKS Berrien Springs  ?
Repeater information from the Michigan Area Repeater Council.
National FM Simplex Frequencies: 906.500 Mhz and 1294.5 Mhz (927.000 Mhz is also used in some areas).

This page last updated August 28, 2006.
Please send updates to Mark at: wb8tgy@yahoo.com