All indicators are pointing in the same direction and all of my most reliable long range forecasting tools are saying the same thing. It will likely be one of the coldest winters in more than ten years.

The lack of sunspot activity, a moderate El Nino in effect, and many other atmospheric data points, all are strong indicators of colder than normal days ahead. Even Mother Nature's signs tell a tale of long, cold winter nights. The nut-bearing trees produced a very bountiful crop this year which is considered Nature's signal to the wild animals to store away extra reserves for the long winter ahead.

In my opinion, we haven't experienced a really cold, snowy winter around these parts since 1995/1996. At one point that season, we had two(2) feet of snow on the ground. We had sub-zero temperatures during seven days that winter, reaching -11 once. According to all my data, this cooming winter could rival any since the 95/96 season.

Look for winter to hit quick and hard and hang around long and strong. Perhaps a mid-winter break will give some small tidbit of relief but winter's brutal grip won't release for long before more bone-chilling cold takes us into early spring.

I hope the signs are wrong and my analysis is flawed because if the indicators are right, it's not going to be pretty!!