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Giuliani's campaign slogan: "Holy crap! what's next?"

Prison Bitch song

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The truth behind the man known to so many as ....

Frikkin' Giuliani

In 2004 it was revealed that the FATHER of New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani served time in prison during the 1940's for robbing a milkman. OK Productions exclusively obtained copies of actual photos that might've been taken by a close friend and roommate of the senior Giuliani while incarcerated in Ihopsing, aka "Sing Sing", aka "more pancakes please" prison. The friend known only as "Bobby Bird" died while flying to Boca Raton on American Airlines 3 years ago. A janitor discovered his body last weekend . On his lap detectives found a doggie bag from Taormina's (Da Noi was closed)containing a half eaten prosciutto with mozzarrella on Italian Bread lightly seasoned with olive oil and hot pepper seeds, and an envelope containing these photos .

Each photo has a description scribbled in Bobby Bird's handwriting. I copied the captions here word for word as Bobby Bird had done. The pictures paint a stark, tragic, grim and yet lighthearted portrait of life inside the "Big House" during the 1940's.

WARNING: Some of the content is not suitable for children, the elderly, or those who haven't eaten lunch today.

Bobby Bird before Sing Sing Giuliani Sr.

Bobby Bird snapped boarding a Jet Blue flight to Boca Raton

Me (Bobby Bird) and other inmates give Giuliani a friendly greeting. At first we was not sure about Giuliani cuss we all heard about the MilkMan hold up and the rest of us was in for real crimes like assault and bank robbery.

Me (Bobby Bird) sticking up for Giuliani against that mean old jerk off MilkMan Malloy, aka "The Curdler".Milkman Malloy was the meanest MilkMan in Queens. He would never admit he was from Queens while we was in the joint. Huh! I wonder why.......

Giuliani took alot of crap from "The Curdler". Those Milkmen from Queens are ruthless. Rumour has it the Milkmen from Massapequa are worse. They used to shakedown nuns and orphans for, would you believe, "Milk Money"? Life on the streets in New York City was grim in the 1930's. Don't even ask me about the Milkmen from Rockaway.......

Readin' mail from our family. Giuliani had a regular family, wife and kids, and this other family......he said they weren't blood relatives but he kept calling them "the family". That's Jimmy Eyeballs next to me with the nasty look on his face. He was angry because they canceled the Paul Muni Film Festival.

The warden felt bad about cancelling the Paul Muni Festival so he let the boys throw a party complete with full orchestra (Benny Goodman) The Rockettes, catering from Sal Minella's Deli and Sewing Machine repair, What a RIOT. In this picture Giuliani is trying to figure out where to place the orchestra, the linen covered dining tables and the TIKI lamps. I'll never forget the look on Jimmy Eyeballs face when Paul Muni showed up and asked him to dance.

Giuliani had made lifelong friends and it was hard being released to the outside world. We didn't want him to go. He was so entertaining, a regular Bob Hope. And boy could he Mario Lanza.

That's me (Bobby Bird) trying to control the crowd. Giuliani "Julee Baby" didn't want to leave.

"Say Cheese" Giuliani took it like a man. He only cried seven times. He didn't want to leave us. But it was time for him to get on with his life and return to his wife and children. He feared being on the outside because Milkman Malloy "The Curdler" was already out. Funny thing was two weeks after the picture was taken Milkman Malloy never showed up for his route. I'd say more about it, but my lawyer says it ain't such a good idea.

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