Bxod WM RU

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Activity Payrate


Referrals Payment
Click1 c per click


undefinedWMZ0.2 WebMoney

- It's available in Russian and English.

Bxod has the highest payrate for clicks among all WM sponsors. It uses a point system: 1 point (Bonus) = 1/2 c (sometimes it increases to 1 c per 1 Bonus). The click section (called the List of Advertisers) has up to 70 links (usually about 20-30). You can click on each link only once a day, sometimes it may happen that you won't receive a Bonus for your visit, but basically your are always rewarded.

- Bxod requires that you use a browser, that supports Java and ActiveX (IE or NN will go), images should be on (Opera won't work correctly with it even if you download the ActiveX plug-in). WebMoney Classic should be used, it must be activated when you "collect" Bonuses.

You collect them in this way - click on the link and look for a Bonus banner then click it once again. Finally you will see a banner with a Bonus Coin - that's it, the Bonus is transferred to your account. Some sponsors will ask you to answer a simple qustion about their site.

Bxod is the leader in the WM Surf 4 cash sector. It's definitely worth taking.

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