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Last updated September 4, 2002

16 entries
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The payrate for the "Surf" activity is very high. "Click" and "Search" yield less, but work faster. Compared to other sponsors, Surf 4 cash (especially Spedia) are great for CIS (Russia, Belarus…) residents and third profitable for US and Canadian residents (next to Register 4 cash and Surveys 4 cash).
MoreClick to registerActivityPayratePaymentReferralsComments
detailsSpedia WorldSurf, Click, Register, Email, Shop, Games30 - 70 c per hour; 2.5 - 5 c - email$30 PayPal, check% 10/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5HR 50 c
detailsCash Glow US CAChat, Register, Shop, Games10 c per hour; 70% of their revenue$20 PayPalc per hour 2/ 1/ 2 HR
detailsCash Fiesta WorldSurf, Register1 - 100 c per hour$50 check% 15/ 7/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 3/ 1/ 1 
detailsBxod WM RU WorldClick1 c per clickWMZ0.2 WebMoneyundefined 
detailsSearch Cactus US CASearch, Register1 c per click$20 check25%HR $2
detailsWM-Clicks WM RU WorldClick0.003-0.05 c per clickWMZ0.5 WebMoney% 10/ 2 
detailsLotto Forever WorldClick, Register, Email90% of their revenueGenerationX - merchandiseundefined 
detailsSabril US CASearch, Registerup to 90% their revenueany amount every 90 days check% 20/ 10 
MoreClick to registerActivityPayratePaymentReferralsComments
detailsEarn Forum WM RU WorldForum50-90% of their revenueWMZ1 WebMoney25% 
detailsCash Nanny WorldSearch, Click, Register50% of their revenueany amount every month PayPal, check% 11/ 5/ 5$2
detailsThunder AD US CA ...Surf50% of their revenue$25 check% 10/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5 HR
detailsWeb Bullion WorldSurf50% of their revenue$20 PayPal, check% 50/ 20/ 10/ 10/ 10 
detailsEarn Abled WorldSurf25% of their revenue$25 PayPal, money order% 5/ 3/ 2/ 1HR
detailsSoundom WorldSurf25% of their revenue$25 PayPal, money order% 5/ 3/ 2/ 1HR
detailsCoins 2 Cash WorldSurfvaries$25 PayPal20% 
detailsWM Forum WM RU WorldForumvariesWMZ1 WebMoney10% 
MoreClick to registerActivityPayratePaymentReferralsComments

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