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PICS OF ME!!!!!!!!!!!! At the bar My tatoo Just me standing, very recent New 1 New 2 New 3 New 4 New 5 New 6 New 7 Me at work (workin hard Me at a party tore up! Me and a friend, im in the glasses Puffin on a cancer stick Can we say ALKAHOLIK Just me chillin Me and my friend Idel Me in my room BLING BLING Me by a wall Me listenin to some jams Cheers Me and my little brother (by 3 years) at the bar Me my brother skipp and idel at the bar Me skipp and idel drunk at the bar again Me and the bartender ME AND BRITNEY SPEARS!! NO LIE! Me when my hair was bleached.. Me at a family reunion Me camping Me camping again Me and my family at my brothers graduation Me when i had my hair in beads Me in my room Me in my room again Yup room again Another one in the room room pic Another room pic Another one of me in the room Another pic in my room last one in the room Me and my brother, im in the sunglasses Me takin a swig me and my first car Me in my doorway Me and my family im on the right in the blue sweater vest Me before my bros graduation me and my cuz, im on the left, it looks like i got a black eye, its just hair in my eyes tooken with the web cam so it may be blurry Me goofin around me my cuz and santa, im in the blue hat out of shower very recent one, just got out of the shower Another one getting out of the shower just out of the shower last one getting out of the shower just me smilin me, my brother, and two of our friends, playin in the in the white jacket its when my hair was bleached my senior pic Another pretty recent one Another recent one, it was tooken a few months ago Just me chillin Another one taken with the webcam me when my hair was long Another tooken with webcam so may be blurry tooken in the doorway Just me kickin it me and my friend in the snow, im in the white jacket me on grad night web cam blurry pic me just chillin at my house me and my grandma me in a wifebeater Closeup pic of me Another close up pic my drivers liscense pic
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